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Everything posted by KevinM

  1. Phil I am sitting on somewhere in the neighborhood of 200+ and that is a small collection compared to some out there.I have more in my collection than the the Hobby Town in Mobile has minus their Gundam kits they have a bunch of those.Hopefully the good Lord blesses me with a long fruit life cause I am going to need it.😀
  2. With you on that one Peter time is short and the number of kits in the stash says I should work 20hrs a day.
  3. That's what got me started some 25 years ago Scott when we got into the house I call those macro projects I can do them just not my favorite thing.It's kinda like when younger have that 70 GT Torino I loved doing engine upgrades but repairs argghh but that's a hot rod.The wife hated me working in the house on the models so she said why not build a shop out back? So,I did not to big 480 sq.ft. about 16'X30".I built the the display for my models it measures 92"lX22"DX96"H the doors are 48" if not mistaken I would build a jig if I had to do over none the same size.Then when that got full I had to buld another display cabinet to which another is coming in the next year. The jointer is one tool I have not even come close to mastering I have watched video after video.I would like a better table saw what I have is new after the delta has been delegated to box cuts for drawers after 20+ years of service.I plan to master the dove tail and by hand at that,it's funny when the wife starts looking at furniture dressers and such the first thing I check out the drawers construction.If the drawer is basic box construction I move on box cut I start looking dovetail I admire the rest will be equal.Track saw and I start thinking River Tables now that is an art and I have some rough Cedar with the bark in the pile coffee table and two end tables I figure one day.This guy is getting well known for his work 20min video.
  4. You looked at Garret Hacks stuff he's drifting a little further out for me but has some serious Nice builds.That's a pic of his HB I think mine is a touch prettier myself but his is made to a higher standard for sure. http://www.garretthack.com/asb30x3k2qer5cpl3ngw1u84hu7i93
  5. So easy for the take down ten screws hold it all together breaks down into three pieces. I think mine will be bigger a little using Paduka wood outlined with Saplele with Sapele underneath for the drawers/doors.I like dark colors and really do not care muck for stains hint why the woods was alternated in the Hunt Board no stain at all.The Paduka below but Momma wants me to build a bed with draws and grey is the color ......test piece now I am building have a boat load of Maple right now she pick out.
  6. Thks Guys that's not all of it if I give my model skills a 70 I give my wood work 100 of my attention. I will sometimes cut a piece three times if the fit is not 100% to my liking call it anal but it is what it is.I only use nails when building what I call macro project porch works around the house and tool aids like the table sled.I like M/T the best but if it's a quick build for me I will go biscuit like my model cabinet.Again TY this is were I go in retirement if I can find enough people who like the work. The Hunt Board I originally intended for my Nephew Chris when he was Coaching the Indiana Hooisers baseball team he had a Big Colonial style house would of fit well.The guy moved to Starkville MS and now the HC there but his house was designed by a doctor with a very abstract way of thinking I love the house but just does not fit.
  7. Some other works and some you have seen.First is my Son's computer station(I still need one) measures 6'X3' along the wall Oak again.The next is the Garrett Hack Hunt Board I used plans here and the out door table was thrown together like the project now without the first thing on paper aesthetics was the the objective M/T also been outside for year now with 100" of rain on it.
  8. As some of you have seen I like to do wood work usually some what with exotic woods but White/Red Oak are plentiful in the South.A few weeks ago a Sis of mine came into town and we went looking at the Antique Shops over in Bay St. Louis about a 25/30 minute drive from Biloxi.We went into what I would say was a turn of the century shotgun house/building now cool in that you could go lower from the entrance or ascend to the third floor at the end of the main floor.I found four spindles in a box of maybe twenty $4 each but I knew at that moment instantly what I was going to make and the color on this will be a grey stain.The table would be like for someone's foyer area either a vase or a catch-all tray on top thinking black handle ATTM.The build is what I like to do for sale item mortise/tenon a little more time and effort but superior in strength old school.The bead at the bottom of the boards on three side is done by hand by a tool I made myself and I finely made me a wooden mallet yesterday Lyptus head (SA)and a Sapele(Africa) handle.
  9. Peter when I use Alclad Black lacquer Primer a slightly cool room seems to keep the paint from gooing on the forks around the tip of my Badger Renegade.
  10. Looking Good John!
  11. Sounds very plausible.Keep up the good work ole Man.
  12. It looks complete to me nothing else is needed
  13. Came out looking Great Phil but I have to ask why silver for the MG42?I have an original G43 in the cabinet and the Germans like a Phosphate Black or what can almost be called a very Dark dark Grey.You seen a photo as such just an inquiring mind
  14. You make me Sick! Absolutely Beautiful Work
  15. Tracks are on starting to look like a Tank and Phil did look at the orientation of the r/side(#@^%) and a link broke on that upon install.The pins for the tracks are much beefier in the Tiger kit.The tracks were black based with MM stainless steel then a coat MM burnt metal from a distance a fog you might say.I also have all the skirts painted and letting them dry well being PE. PS: I know the upper wheels are not fully painted but figured with the skirt who knows better
  16. Anything on the War Front??
  17. Nice Nice recovery!!
  18. Liking it Gary will keep poking the head in.I have always wanted to do that scene from "Band of Brothers" at Carenten the open field tank coming up over the hill by the tree it would be to big in 1/35.
  19. That is a beautiful and authentic rendition now my Address is............
  20. Yeah John you almost want to make a rack for A,B,C,D............trees .I have seen were guys have done that I never thought for a plane but these RFI kits................
  21. Things are moving slow just about ready to paint the tracks and add the skirts.I had a Sis come in town two weeks ago loves to go to antique shops I found four spindles(oak) 36" instantly a project hit me so I have been in the other side of the shop.The hatch on the r/side will be open see the crack on closing.
  22. The trees the parts come on look just like the RFI (RyeField Models) that's a pic from my build.The comment on the tracks you showed me the orientation/direction.But having gone back and looked again they are two totally different kits in construction esp in wheels/track area.
  23. Phil does not look like the same trees in the RFI kits?Thks for the pic of the tracks.
  24. Looking forward to the pics Peter so your thoughts on a NM finish or were these panels NM?I think you said you do not like to gloss NM in the pass?
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