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Everything posted by wackyracer

  1. Ordered as well Jase.
  2. Excellent, I'll pop over and order, thanks James more money you've cost me gggrrrhhh
  3. are they avaliable yet for the 234 James?
  4. Thats superb. Great work.
  5. This is gonna be EPIC!!!!
  6. Check your on auto ISO and flash off. It looks like the sensor is going for the highest ISO and flash hence the grainy images. Also check your at thaat largest resolution. I've got the same phone as you and most of my Mig pics were taken on it Aaron
  7. Excellent. Me too. Gonna be good.
  8. Great build! Just finished doing the wood on my Roland DV.b. If it comes out half as good I'll be happy.
  9. Yes but be quick. I
  10. Oh yes. Wouldn't miss it for the world. Same hotel Jereon?
  11. Pity about the base, but hey, why not use the cracks to your advantage and make the base a cold crisp frosty/snowy morning?
  12. Stunning Dave. Absolutely convincing weathering and overall finish. Those tracks look unreal. Aaron
  13. Gorgeous!
  14. Sorry not that knowledgeable I'm afraid. Link to the Polish site would be nice though for a bit of reference. Aaron
  15. Superb Ted. All that rivet work certainly paid off. Really look forward to seeing so more pics in the snow Aaron
  16. Hi Ted. You'll be fine with this. The rigging is straightforward and the kit as well. Look forward to following along. May even dig my Academy Nieuport 17 out as well!
  17. Looking forward to this one. Seat drawn up.
  18. Seriously cool Jase. Thats coming along a treat.
  19. Yes, its sort of started already, but the 'other' build will drop in whenever we're ready.
  20. Oh and there it is.. Thats worked a treat Jase. Nicely done Sir
  21. Can't wait to see the outcome. May borrow/steal this for my black Ju88 build.
  22. LOL, me neither, sorry didn't realise where you lived. Pity though as it looks superb Aaron
  23. Top work Jase. Lot of work in that paint job
  24. Superb Ralph. Saw this over on SMN. Hope to see it at a show on Geoff's stand maybe?
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