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Everything posted by Irishman1

  1. Late with a post on this subject but timely for me!!! I’m about to paint all the roundels on my 1/24 typhoon and this is just what I needed!! Thanks a ton for posting this process
  2. You have to make the top removable!!! The fabrication and detail work is museum quality!!! Skill and artistry at work here.
  3. Nice fabrication going on, what a challenge..
  4. As I only build 1/24 aircraft I to have the airfix fw-190 and bf-109 from long ago hanging in my garage whilst I build the other newer and older releases!! great job on the 109’s!!
  5. Great detail work again of course!!! Always inspiring to watch your progress. After my engine cover debacle with my typhoon I to will just concentrate on what you can peek at or plainly see from now on.. I have fun building and detailing engines and the hollow fuselage areas but I’m kinda feeling like it’s a waste of my limited time left on earth!!
  6. Getting closer. Prepping for the 1 man army stencils. Roundels first, then walkways and labels .I did cut the clear car door side windshields off the door panels to use in place of my evergreen card stock fillers because the gaps are pretty large, not sure yet. I finished the head armor and made a identification light behind the pilot, just not sure if it was white tho. many more details to go, including the rockets and slide launchers
  7. The pilots head panel and seat belts are not complete at this time. A little more fiddling with it is due.
  8. More work completed. Finished filling in the door panels to make it a tear drop canopy model. Made the seat an open seat with a bullet proof panel. Taking care of some details as I go
  9. Somehow I forgot to finish the green camo on the starboard wing and front side?!??! I noticed when I had it out to guide me on the Typhoon painting
  10. Several of the pictures could be the real tank!!! Superbly done!!!
  11. Funny, I just noticed the incomplete green cami on the inside, front starboard wing leading to the fuselage of the spitfire in front of the typhoon!! I’ll fix that today when I complete the green camo touch ups on the tiffy…. I think I was going to fill the gap at the front before applying the green there and just forgot to do anything !!!!
  12. Ocean grey on and now the bottom, roundels and squadron I.d.’s
  13. Have the primer on and the green cami done so now it’s on to apply the ocean grey
  14. Made panels to fill the car door holes in the fuselage, cut panel lines and river holes. Sprayed the first coats of color on the primed body. I’ll mask the green and spray the sea grey. then on to mask and paint the roundels and squadron markings. This will be my first use of Sven’s 1man army stencil masks, I’ll have to make my own theater stripes
  15. And the way the whole cylinder sleeve moves in and out to open the intakes and exhaust!!! Magic
  16. The un- faired guns look ok-ish but maybe go to the full fairings too. I also need to make the bubble canopy seat back armor plate as well
  17. Back to the teardrop canopy!! I’ll chop the car door window frames from the side panels or maybe make a couple of side panels from evergreen sheet first so I can go back to the car door if I mess it up…
  18. I do have another bubble canopy coming!!! teardrop it is!
  19. It was! Hard to cut out from the forms too. Ended up breaking the front windscreen. Back to being a car door😒
  20. I built this 190 in 1996 while recovering from one of my many back surgeries. Back when the internet was limited and I didn’t do any research on what the letters and numbers meant on the aircraft. It was my first use of an airbrush, it was a car detailing cup fed airbrush which was big and hard to use for modeling. I couldn’t get the fan blades to fit behind the propeller so I ended up just leaving it off!! I now know there was a problem with the kit and how to fix that it to fit the engine in correctly. I would like to build another and build and paint it correctly. I’m going to try to strip off the decals and fix this one first.
  21. I’ve had quite a bit of trouble getting the engine panels in straight. Much of it might be from my problems with the alignment of engine parts from the beginning. The misalignment grows exponentially with each operation .I’m sure it will all be ok in the end though, just more work!
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