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Everything posted by IainMackayDall

  1. A D-Day LST ( Landing ship tank ) would make a rather large addition. think of it as a display case for all that those Jeeps and Shermans etc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoNIU4hl8iw
  2. I'm still amazed by these underwater U-Boat diorama explosion scenes cerated by modeller Lee Won-hui http://www.enlargeify.com/jb2b9f9LAWw
  3. I'd like to see Tamiya upscale these 1/48 catalog to 1/35 U.S. Staff Car Model 1942 U.S. 2 1/2ton 6x6 Airfield Fuel Truck Japanese Navy Komatsu G40 Bulldozer British Armored Scout Car "Dingo" Mk.II British 7ton Armored Car Mk.IV
  4. Just found this Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/Lost-British-projects-566804443806070/ There is a 1/48 Handley Page Victor under development and already a Vulcan in 1/48 they are all Resin, so could mean lots of sanding and protective gear require, along with many showers..
  5. I never realised until now, that what gave the Lancaster a huge edge, and its ability to carry grand slam and other huge ordinance, was a MOD design specification for the Lancaster to carry torpedoes for Naval operations, resulting in that unimpeded bomb bay. Any examples anywhere, model or historic pic of a Lancaster with torpedoes? I know some when on post war on maritime patrols ( re that fantastic RCAF Lanc posted by Clunkmeister )
  6. I never realised just how few 1/32 scale aircraft Tamiya has compared to their 1/48 scale collection But mu choice would include these: MiG-15 bis Gloster Meteor F.1 & F.3 V-1 (Fieseler Fi103) Fairey Swordfish Mk.I & Mk.2 Floatplane Heinkel He162 A-2 "Salamander" Mitsubishi G4M1 Yamamoto Transport (w/17 Figures) Kawanishi N1K1 Kyofu Type 11
  7. Oh, for any Canadians out there.. here is one family connection from my UK family tale that I found Serge Dompierre modelled back in 2006 in 1/48 scalehttp://www.hsgalleries.com/gallery04/spitfirevbsd_1.htm
  8. It could be rebellious, there is so much time in building models, but introducing a "what if factor" could be very divisive, if not fun. But it does unleash a set of historical outcomes to justify why did they put a Bf 109E yellow nose on that Spitfire. I think actual history, even though we think we know it, or that, we want to twist it in a way this thread suggests. it is not, or may not become as odd, or unbelievable as what actually has occurred for some. I do have some of my own alternative tales, actually they are real histories for me, but maybe at a later time. They involve 1940's RAF Spitfires at Biggen Hill but with some sad twists, D-Day landings all worthy of any "opposites" or "sliding doors" tales. There is a lot of US wartime lend lease supply materials, Canadian Spitfire Aces and later Cold War CGHQ connections, But maybe I'm ranting and off topic. As I commented, unleashing an "Opposites", well, a "what if group" could be like blogs, such as: https://www.secretprojects.co.uk where there are sections like "Theoretical and Speculative Projects" and "Alternative History and Future Speculation" - It could get out of hand, ie" has anyone built a 1:32 scale Barnes Wallis (Swallow) SST ?https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/barnes-wallis-swallow-sst.6160/
  9. Has anyone built a 1:24 scale P-51D? I see that there are mods available like this one reviewed at Hyperscale: http://hyperscale.com/2019/reviews/accessories/modelmonkeyp51dwheelwellreviewbg_1.htm Is there similar mods available for the 1:32 scale. I have a Tamiya P-51 box waving at me from the shelf.
  10. Anyone need RAF flight crew reference from the 1960’s ? I forget just how "speaking with a plum in one's mouth” must have been a challenge for anyone listening in.. those poor Ruskies and Americans.
  11. Grave of the Fireflies (an animated film from Studio Ghibli 1988) also by Ghibie is The Wind Rises (2014) for some fantastic aircraft All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) a worth while watch for such an early film Full Metal Jacket (1987) for its moments of dark humour On Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan, I prefer Spielberg's Schindler's List (1993) for the shear inhumanity played by Ralph Fiennes, with Liam Neeson getting world recognition after this movie - ps: the book was written by the Australian Thomas Keneally, who was told this tale by a chance meeting with holocaust survivor Poldek Pfefferberg in his shop in LA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schindler's_Ark Kelly's Heros wins my vote for the worst attempt at German Tiger tank ( a disguised T-34 ) Good Morning Vietnam (1987) Robin Williams, what else can I say. Lawrence of Arabia (1962) because its a such classic Henry V (1989) for some classic Shakespeare and Kenneth Brannagh at his best Dr Strangelove (1964) Peter Sellers, George C. Scott play such great characters Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence (1983) for David Bowie Gallipoli (1981) because there are not many Aussie war movies there again, A Town like Alice (1956) for Peter Finch and there also was 1981 Tv adaptation with Brian Brown, Oh, and don’t forget On the Beach (1959) for a post war movie. These last two were both written by Nevil Shute.
  12. you've probably got enough reference pics but I found this link with a lot if cockpit shots https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/197636/convair-b-36j-peacemaker/ and this cutaway illustration
  13. I bet, you could not resits going under the knife with just a local anesthetic, just so you can keep an eye on the interior detailing and if those modifications were up to scratch. So what colour did you go for in there?
  14. The scar will be easily sanded back, it just might require some additional weathering detailing to make it into some really cool tale to tell, especially explaining it at some tropical swim up bar for you in the future..
  15. Fantastic paint work !!.. Makes me wonder if they ever came out of the workshops building the actual craft with such paint work, or if it was up to each squadron to paint their own. Was there any online links to how they ever devised such dazzle camo schemes and who were the unfortunates who got ordered in with the paint cans.
  16. Lots of support from the others side of the world, and this is for all those other prop head supporters ..
  17. Guess these links will only make the task more onerous, just looking at all those cockpit dials.. https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/197636/convair-b-36j-peacemaker/fbclid/IwAR0fUQmAuApX1My4tjSTEomcKxUTjrD76q6RKubTqe2RJRAn_1NN7i-N-7I/ plus, there is the odd facebook group dedicated to this beast, with some posts of interior shots. https://www.facebook.com/groups/345029672370518/
  18. a 1/23 XB-35 and optional parts to convert into a YB-49.
  19. Someone mentioned Blohn & Voss.. How about the BV 222 Wiking in 1/32 ( shelf not included ) or if you want a better seaplane challenge how about the older Dornier DoX for engines on display.. or the double hulled Savoia-Marchetti S.55
  20. One more PB4Y-2 Privateer shot from this facebook feed
  21. Is anyone attempting a B-24 Mod to a PB4Y-2 ? See these reference shots below: https://www.facebook.com/pg/HigherFartherAndFaster/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2124429434527355&__xts__[0]=68.ARAqXCC1HvbOy1AHAaGiPyWhTI3nrv5CcYYyqK-ibeNDAfwFqTfT67r-RkRlIFeLVv4dygJTrDEoW6uk_O9GvJZvGgsLHmPMYjUgFtKgxZxp3_HfOWguHt0KJ1RCg6Oo_989kHH1P-PKekG8gxwLX18_xOEq8553v2P2R1FylSObYuziXjItt0dp19GVUO9ssXVXbbcs79-q3eUFNo9Svu7HfCj_IQbIe4ijxJ8hrrYszWCKJqj-FVSoCP43oU6U7eHEQfOrb9-lxNlLvrS8Ffu7leuEc9t9lqh0osZ11ma8N-hvnd6box7ewkEsBuiLOoT2Ucx0peSPAfTTGImURWNrt9PBSB0aQ4y2qUyLLnw&__tn__=-UC-R or this link: https://www.facebook.com/pg/HigherFartherAndFaster/photos/ under the photos reference of the "Consolidated PB4Y-2 Privateer"
  22. Just for context. Here is a Fraser Nash. My Father was an Lt Royal Navy Engineer. It seems just after D-Day, on his American build LST on Gold or Juno, or maybe later from the Mulberry harbour. He managed to find a BMW marine engine to bring back on said LST. Somehow for some reason he replaced the engine in his Fraser Nash with this Marine BMW ( I presume it must have been bigger and more powerful ) But it never quite worked out as planned, It worked but constantly overheated on long trips. Maybe the engine missed all that cooling seawater?
  23. Dear Sir Desmond I love a good "Australian made" coffee, as in made by an Australian barista, If ever stuck in London New Zealanders and good at making a good coffee. We are close neighbours, I may live in Manly, Sydney where the Belgrave Cartel along with other small baristas exist. But our Agency https://www.facebook.com/brainsadagency/ is on Forveaux Street, Surry Hills, which is a competing coffee paradise.
  24. Has anyone produced a 1/32 B-29, other than scratch builds? and Yes a B-58 would be a dream. Personally as a "Pom" ( Aussie for British ) I'd love to build a 1/32 Avro Vulcan or Handley-Page Victor.. But then someone will have to invent a large rotating stacker display shelf.
  25. Is this the Lanc from the link above. I can see there are these Wingnut Wings Lanc pics on this Cybermodeller site: https://www.cybermodeler.com/special/ipms_usa/pages/ipmsusa2019_006.shtml https://www.cybermodeler.com/special/ipms_usa/pages/ipmsusa2019_004.shtml
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