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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Hasegawa FW-190D-9

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Crikey !! First one up in the new thread !! :)


Nice choice of 190 sir !


<<cough>> don't why this darn cough won't go away!! :)


Thanks mate!  Really looking forward to this, had actually pulled this kit outta the stash last week, was planning to build it already when this ***cough*** 190 ***cough*** GB was announced!

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry I haven't had a chance to start this one yet, but life had a way of putting me out of commission for a bit.  I finished up my 1/32 Hasegawa Bf-109G-6 on Sunday, October 20th and planned to start this one the following Sunday.  Well, a motorcycle accident has me away from the bench for a while with a crushed right foot, some broken bones and some bad road rash.  Luckily, the surgeons were able to piece the bones in my foot back together but as of right now I have multiple pins sticking out the front, top, sides and from the tips of some toes holding the bones together.  I feel very lucky to be alive, as things could be MUCH worse!  My workshop is downstairs, and since I cannot walk that means no modeling for a while.  Hopefully, if things go well, I may be able to get down there early next year.  Not sure if that will leave me enough time to finish by the deadline, but I will give it a shot!

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Glad you're OK Frank...


Well, relatively OK that is. Sorry mate, coming to this one late. Hoping for a speedy recovery, and that all those kits calling you from the Basement help in that endeavour.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Cripes Frank


Sounds like a nasty prang....


Hope you can get started on something soon... just remember that you've also got to get back up out of the modelling room once you're down there.... (I had an injury once that meant I could go down but not up stairs).



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Thank you everyone for the well wishes, I do think they are helping!


I get the pins removed in two days, and I CANNOT WAIT!!!  Should be able to get a walking boot then, so hopefully in a couple of weeks I will be able to start walking again.  Then, I can get down to the shop!  Not sure if I will be able to knock this one out in the time left, but I'll give it my all. 


Cheers, and thank you all again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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