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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Huges OH-6A "Cayuse" Da Nang Fragments - Dragon kit 1/35


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Hi to all,

I would like to share this model produced in 1/35 scale several years ago (about twenty) by Dragon for the 'Nam' series and in which I have always been interested: Huges OH-6A Cayuse nicknamed 'Loach' omni companion of the Bell Huey UH 1 -D "Iroquois" (but also of all the other versions present in the South East Asian theater).
The version chosen is the E TROOP, 1/9 Cav, 1st Cav. (AM) Lai Khe, Vietnam 1970  and this work is part of a larger project that is nearing completion: 'American Chopper':

As anticipated, the project (which will be available shortly) and called 'American chopper' would like to represent the end of a mission having as its object the extraction of American soldiers fortunately landed at the base with a wounded and in the background, Vietnamese (proposed by Noy's Miniature) the two helicopters undergoing maintenance to get ready for a new mission. This is the photo image of the project:




The Dragon Kit:

The kit has all the merits and above all the defects of the older models such as the too obvious rivets, at the limit of the scale, extractors in abundance, closures not always perfect and plastic without going beyond the decent.
Moreover it must be said that the model in question, despite everything, was at the time I bought it (online from Russia) absolutely difficult to find in stores and also online, which is why I trusted my instinct and not only had Lucky enough to receive the kit (albeit just damaged but from time to time the seller was correct to mention it in the negotiation) but I was also able to find the Eduard accessories (now out of catalog for years) and the unique CMK ones still in the catalog:




Eduard Pe Set of interior and exterior photo etched detail




CMK : Detail set of parts in resin turbine Allison T 63 -A 5A + hatches and engine support




The completed model:




....................and how we got there: shots from the wip:








model mock up:










CMK : Allison turbine assembly, coloring and fixing: colors from the Chameleon series (Metal Shift)




Opening intervention (not programmed) due to the necessary weight addition with shotgun reloading sinkers:










The ultimate gallery:







The context : Da Nang fragments - Noy's Miniature UHD 3D Display












for more info & pics :APM

.......................the project does not end there: Erika is ready to leave to discover the sequel 'American chopper' and you?




Thanks for visiting and your time


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