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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Roden Albatros D.III (OAW)


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Here's my entry into the GB. I've never done a GB before, or even posted builds online, so in at the deep end!


Got the Eduard PE set and some Montex Masks as I had a nightmare with my Fokker F.I decals previous.




Not sure what markings yet. Rather drawn to the box art of Joesef Loeser's candy machine but also like the 2 options from Montex.

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Great subject! Count me in as well. No better way to help finish a particular model than to join a group build. Not only will you get all the help you need from others building in the group, but it keeps you motivated. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

First update on the build. Engine and framework built.




Fuel tank and ammo cells with first bits of Eduard PE




And scratch built the rocker arm springs from various sizes of wire as they are non existent bar a plastic blob on original




Filled the ejector pin holes on the insides of the fuselage of which there were many. Next step wood graining.


Oh and received these in the post



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  • 2 weeks later...

More progress...


Spads done




Exhaust drilled out and painted






Wings cleaned up, primed with Halfords white plastic primer and masked up, yup, decision made, its going to be Oblt. Josef Loeser candy striped bird




Top and bottom painted, insignia done with Montex masks (first time using them and very impressed and easy to do)




With the overall white and red scheme I missed pre-shading as both colours are notoriously transparent and will have to work a way to post shade and weather. Not sure just how yet but something to work on.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Only a small update this time...


Prop painted using RB Productions Laminated mask. An interesting challenge and more practice and testing needed but not too bad for first go using it. It actually took 3 attempts on the prop to get a finish I was happy with.


20140118_172029.jpg 20140118_171934.jpg


Next up started installing the engine and cockpit framework




And pilot painted. This is one of the amazing Wings Cockpit figures.







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That's some fabulous work going on there and it's nice to see a Roden kit getting a run out - I reckon the prop mask from Radu did a great job !

Is it fair that you're obviously a good aircraft modeller AND figure painter?? No! I don't think so!!  :D  :D 

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Hi Aaron,


Your Albi is looking great. With a little love these Roden kits can be made into real stunners. You work on the wings is outstanding - white paint is my evil arch nemesis. One comment, and I offer it in the spirit of being constructive. I think that you may have placed the prop into the mask upside down and/or backwards, since the laminations should curve towards the leading edge of each blade. Otherwise, I think you have the colors spot on. I also love the figure.



Very very much tongue in cheek,may I quote the frog? "Rivet,Rivet". Please take as meant with a smile.

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Thanks Dave. I see what you mean. As per my original post I took 3 attempts with the prop. The first one I had it square on exacty as per instructions. All I got was 1 thin line at the very top of the prop and the rest just a dusting. Second attempt I angled it maybe 15-20 degrees and got more 'lines' so third and as per pic angled 30 degrees. Maybe its the prop which is the factor. Its very thin and straight without a pronounced twist. I thought by turning I culd get the surface to open more to the mask.


I have a spare prop from my Fokker F.1 build and this has much more twist. Maybe I'll give this one a try

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  • 3 weeks later...



Prop has been re-done. I think its take 8, but its straight on the laminates now even through they still go very slightly the wrong way.




Also done the wheels




Got her buttoned up now with all the internals in place






Added the seatbelts, managed to mess the HGW ones up, so these are RB belts which I've used in the past.




Next is the cowling for the front. Initial test fits say it's gonna be a fiddle as not much is lining up!



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Stripes done... almost. Few touch up's here and there but overall rather happy with the outcome. Masking tape took a hammering and real fun and games getting them to align.


Wing is just positioned to show it with the fuselage. I've painted the engine cowling but cut it so I can show the engine off. Also Montex masks still in place for the crosses.













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Wow... Impressive masking work! You're a braver man than i am.

How would you rate the roden quality compared to WNW?



Thanks Jeroen. I've yet to build a WNW although I have several in the stash so can't really say but the Rodens (I've done 2 before this one) are OK as long as dry fitting and a bit of fettling at times. Also the instructions seem to kiss entire parts out and then show other bits the wrong way. But hey their 1/2 the price of WNW and I worked on the theory if I can make a half decent Roden a WNW should be easy given their great fit etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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