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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

a year of firsts for me


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this year I decided to do things I hadn't previously done before in my hobby of kit bashing after around 55 years since I built my first airfix kit.  Build a resin kit, build a vacform kit, clear my shelf of doom, make a dent in my stash, etc, etc. I started the year ok having built the planet models yak-23 (albeit with a slight bodge up on the weathering that I may or may not try to correct) so that's one ticked off. Yesterday I bought a kit that will tick off something else. 

My enjoyment with model making is simple, I have not a care in the world about accuracy or great engineering, as long as it looks roughly like the thing it's meant to be I'm happy. Detailed and complex kits bore me silly, I like simple cheap kits, especially if a little bit of scratch building is thrown in.  Every panel and canopy needs to be closed, no dangly flaps and definitely no engine.  If it can't be seen once complete, it doesn't get added. The more simple the kit, the quicker the build, the more enjoyment for me. Oh, and if the markings and colour scheme are made up by me because they look better than the real thing then I find that very acceptable.  My favourite kit from last year was the old matchbox Mk24 spitfire.  I have only ever owned and built one Tamiya kit, never considered buying and building a ZM kit and I would turn down the big Boarder Model Lancaster if offered to me for free. Probably some of the Kitty Hawk kits are the most detailed and complex I've built.  I know others will wince at all of that but I'm just trying to set the scene for modelling from my perspective.  

So imagine my surprise last night, after a red wine or three, I hit bid now button and winging it's way to me is a Tamiya 1/32 mosquito.  This will give me a couple of firsts I think. It will definitely be the most complex kit I have every owned. Normally, if a kit is complex I don't finish it - this one I will. I plan to paint, build and detail every aspect of the model to the best of my abilities. Finally, I'm thinking about displaying the finished kit on a small diorama in a glass case with every panel open.  That last bit is making me twitch to be honest, I'm not sure I want to go that far but who knows. Even if this last part isn't put into action there are enough firsts there for me for now.  I'm waiting for the box to arrive before I reassess my good intentions and in the meantime I'm starting to do some research on the Mosquito.  I'm not sure what I've let myself in for and think I may need encouragement to help me complete the beast so it will be a WIP build for me. 

Oh, and I'm leaving the attempt at building a vacform kit to later in the year - the thought of doing one of those is really causing me to panic !



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Good catch, and nothing like a new challenge to rejuvenate the mojo … This said, the Tamiya Mossie is one über-kit that has discouraged some talented modellers I know of: just too much of everything for a lot of people.

I don’t want to rain your joy, but this one will be at the opposite of your « regular » modelling tastes. Still, wishing you all the best for this build, and looking forward to it.


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1 hour ago, Jeff said:

That sounds like a plan.... now, to get a dvd of 633 Squadron and Mosquito Squadron and play them while building will keep the juices flowing... especially the music on 633 Sqdn !

that is a must - can't beat the 633 music - I rate it just above the BoB music with dambusters in 3rd.   Haven't seen mosquito squadron for donkey years, in fact I can't recall the story so that will be found and watched as well.  

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17 minutes ago, npb748r said:

that is a must - can't beat the 633 music - I rate it just above the BoB music with dambusters in 3rd.   Haven't seen mosquito squadron for donkey years, in fact I can't recall the story so that will be found and watched as well.  

100% agreed !!, and if you do a wip I will watch with enthusiasm as I have started that kit as well.... now NOT trying to tell you what to do or how to do it, but I have read multiple build threads and have the book, what I did was took a few days to go through the instruction book, and decide what configuration you would like... dropped flaps etc, as some sections require specific assembly parts and sequence. Also pay close attention to the left and right engine fire walls, they look almost the same but they are left and right... what I did was take a pencil and crossed off the parts of the instructions that didn't pertain to my build, and high lighted specific sections that needed specific care.... I am still building mine ( well have stopped for a while due to life getting in the way ) take these suggestions or not, but I will certainly be watching with interest...

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If you haven't been already , can I recommend the De Havilland Musuem as a sheer joy of a day out ? More Mossies than anywhere else , so good we went twice in 2021! They let you get very up close , and the volunteers are wonderful . 

I've the 1/48 Tamiya Mossie I bought there last visit  ...might have to give it a roll 😀







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1 hour ago, HubertB said:

I don’t want to rain your joy, but this one will be at the opposite of your « regular » modelling tastes.

I'm certainly hoping Hubert, otherwise it wont be a first ticked off. I'd like to experience what the Tamiya fanatics rave about for myself, even if at the end I still don't get it 😁

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4 minutes ago, PanzerWomble said:

can I recommend the De Havilland Musuem as a sheer joy of a day out

It's probably been 30 years since I went there even though it's less thank an hour from me (or 10 hours if the M25 is working as it normally does.  I once fell asleep for several hours on the M25 between Enfield and Hatfield - stationary for around 6 hours through the night on a journey from Rugby to Chelmsford that normally takes 2 hours and in this case took 23 hours due to an unexpectedly large dropping of snow (probably less than 2 inches but it only takes a light dusting for the whole of the South East to declare a major emergency). Anyway, I have digressed - I will take a trip to the museum, good shout.

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4 hours ago, npb748r said:

that is a must - can't beat the 633 music - I rate it just above the BoB music with dambusters in 3rd.   Haven't seen mosquito squadron for donkey years, in fact I can't recall the story so that will be found and watched as well.  

100% agree with your order. I remember reading the 633 books as a kid and loving the film which seemed to be on at least twice a year back then.

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Congrats on stepping outside the box!  Patience is going to be your friend on this one.  I’m kind of like you with getting the instant gratification with faster building kits. But over the years I’ve bought a few kits that I look back on now and say, “Scott, WTH were you thinking?”   I’m afraid they might have their own SOD still in the box if I don’t sell them off. Ex: 1/200 Arizona from Trumpeter.  

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Neil, we all have to mix up it at some point. I also have had the Mossie since 2016. I was new back to the hobby so bought it but didn’t feel capable of doing it justice. I think and believe I’m ready now. I have a list of AM if you’re interested.  Probably finish the GB off and then start ………

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8 hours ago, Bomber_County said:

I have a list of AM if you’re interested.

yes please, that would be really helpful, thanks. I was kind of hoping, given the price of the kit and the fact that everyone puts it and Tamiya on a pinnacle that it might not need much in the way of AM. I'm already thinking about the Quintas Studio 3d decals - these blow my mind although I;m trying not to make them standard fit on all my kits that they fit.  

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9 hours ago, ScottsGT said:

Ex: 1/200 Arizona from Trumpeter.

same here, I'm sitting on an only just started 1/200 Bismarck plus all the aftermarket you could think of (bought before I retired at a time when I was grossly overpaid for a living !) and the HK Lanc, again only just started and returned to the box once bored with the build.  I also have the 1/200 Yamato that's been sitting in my garage 99% complete for a decade. I'm kind of hoping this Mossie will force me to start to focus on finishing these kits. As I write this I can see my school reports from the mid 70's - "Neil must learn to focus more"; "he is capable but gets side tracked too easily" "if he spent less time talking and more time working he could achieve much more", etc. 

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I'm with Marie Kondo ....do this kit bring me joy .....? If the answer is no , then it gets eBayed and gone to someone else to enjoy .

I sold my small stash of 1/72 aircraft last year as I decided I hated modelling 1/72 after a couple of kits.  Some were quite nice as well .

Don't feel guilty if you don't like your stash , change it . Hell , it's your pleasure & hobby . 😀 



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4 hours ago, ThomasProbert said:

They are hosting a model show there on May 14th this year - if you pay a visit then you'll get the bonus of Mosquitos and lots of models to look at!


@npb748r @Bomber_County


Any of you guys or anybody else fancy that for an unofficial LSM meet up ?

I'm due a visit there this year .....and frankly the Mossies are really drop dead gorgeous !  

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On 3/2/2023 at 1:23 PM, PanzerWomble said:

We'll need a flag perhaps . ... or will you be stood under the Sunderland lol ! 

Ha ha! Due to table space limitations I'm not sure I'll be bringing the Sunderland - I may bring a few of my smaller builds instead!

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On 3/5/2023 at 8:18 PM, Bomber_County said:

I’m going to have bail on this. I’ve a client presentation on the Sunday morning in KSA……damn typical…….happened exactly the same in 2018 & 2019 when I was due to go to Telford………grrrrrrrrrr

Shame . TBH I might be moving around mid May , but hopefully can squeeze it in as it's only an hour so drive for me . 

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 2/21/2023 at 5:57 PM, npb748r said:

perfect, thanks Jeff, I will do just that

Neil. Not sure if you’ve started yet. I think I’ve finally completed the AM list.  This is all I’ll be adding……unfortunately I bought from MasterCasters not knowing at the time what complete ########### he was…….never again though….

I bought the Yahu IP back in 3016, pre 3D IP’S, the Red Fox looks amazing…..



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