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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

1/32 HKM A-20G-25-DO 'white 40', s/n 43-9168, of 51 MTAP Baltic Fleet

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Amazing detail work and the results are brilliantly done. I've never seen a 'hydration bag' added as a detail or even one to be honest - so unique and what an attention grabber! Beautifully work.  



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Martin,  Love this work.  What material did you make that bag out of?  That is amazing.  Very cool detail work, like dropping the armor plate.  In the bottom photograph above, what is that liquid seeping out of the lefts side of the fuselage?  Any ideas?

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Thank you guys. The liquid is the engine oil dislocated by the propeller wash and pressed into the seams of the fuselage, following the air flow. 
for the bag I used the foil that seals the cup of Philadelphia cram cheese, cut it into the ‘bag’ pattern shape , painted with Afrika corps yellow and made decals based on the pictures of the real bags. 
I’ve realized that the end of this build is near so it was time to switch to the chop-chop mode and start slapping thing together. This thug is quite big and difficult to manipulate. I used Master guns, 




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This is looking great, Martin :unworthy: !

It may be a parallax effect of the photography, but the guns of the turrets seem to be shooting on a diverging path …


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A fantastic looking big bird, Martin. Everything is coming together now and the layered weathering is amazing. The turret barrels caught my eye as well as Hubert´s, hopefully it´s only caused by the wide angle lens.

Cheers Rob

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It's that good a build that the photos above could be confused with the real thing, which is not an easy thing to accomplish, superb.



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Thank you for the kind words and the feedback guys. Yes, the right barrel is off. I knocked it out of position as I was playing around with the windows. Not a biggie , the  turret itself is not glued in place , just sits there loose.  I still have to tackle the additional painting and detailing. Not much, but it’s getting tricky not to break things as I go. 

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