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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

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A few shots from my ongoing build of the Wingnut Wings Eindecker, 635/15, from their incredible "The Duellists" combination kit:












Working on the exterior finish now.

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I will humbly submit that each one of you has inspired me in some way to try out some new techniques on this build, so this means a lot coming from you guys. Thank you!


Jim, after two attempts to paint the seat cushion with brushes and oils, I stripped it and airbrushed the thing. It was amazing how much easier it was for me to do that, and to me it looks more like a "real" seat cushion now and less like a "painting" of a seat cushion.


I started with a solid base coat of Mr. Color "Sandy Brown", misted a very light mottling of Mr. Color "Propeller Color" in the lowest spots, Mr. Color "Red Brown" above that and then "Sandy Brown" tinted with "Red Brown" on the high spots. Takes a light touch and some practice, not unlike doing the mottling on a 1/48 Luftwaffe model.


A very light dry-brushing of the "Sandy Brown" on top of the upper seam, a light pin-wash in the creases with some MIG "Shadow Brown" oil, and then some Tamiya semi-gloss clear to give the whole thing a nice sheen to finish it off.


And of course now it's mostly covered with seat belts... ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Dave,


It's getting there. I've been messing with the body color and here are a couple of in-progress wing shots, minus post-decal shading and weathering, which is probably gonna be fairly light as I'm modeling a newish plane:






I was so impressed with Jeroen's multi-tonal compass and compass-well that I borrowed heavily from him for that!  ;)

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Hey Dave!


Well, summer in my hemisphere means less time for building in the shop, but I am addressing a frustrating lack of space and organization that was limiting me to one project at a time there. I've been installing some new steel shelves around the perimeter of my bench in order to get all of the bottles, tools, tape rolls, etc. out from underneath my elbows while still keeping everything close enough to reach: 




I've finished with the back wall and now I'm working on the side bench, where I'm also working to add some wider shelving higher up along with some under-cabinet lighting for this second project space:




Hope to have this all ready and operational again in the next week or two.

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Glad to see your doing some building in some sort of way...


Your bench is looking great! I wish I could set something up like that.. but I am currently in a temporarily house until we deicide if we are building or buying a new place!

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