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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Mig 3 - In the Buff

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After the ZM Horten 229 I'm still into this wood and metal look so thought I'd try the Trumpeter Mig 3.


Big Ed set, Quickboost Seat and Exhausts, Uschi decals and Alclad for the metals.


Replaced the sidewalls with Eduard etch and applied Alclad Polished metal and built up the cockpit. Quick pic of the seat and base.





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  • 4 weeks later...

So the kit is very nice. No nasty surprises and goes together really well.


Scribed the panels for the birch wood ply to the best I can workout from the limited images of these birds.


Masked the wood sections off and started with a base of Tamiya Buff. Next I added a good dollop of white to the colour cup and filled the centres of the panels. The left is Buff, right with the added white.




Next up is black around the panel edges.




Then a coat over all with more white and a touch of buff to blend it all together.


Here's where I'm now at with the metal work all done (Alclad airframe and polished aluminium) to the fuselage and main wings and AK true metal on the tail fins.






The airelons have Aviattic's linen decals for the fabric effect and work really well with a very nice linen texture. Unfortunately the camera doesn't pick it up that well.




Next up the Uschi wood decals.



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Did you find any ref photo's? Were the planks on the fuse diagonal as with the Il-2?

From the limited info out there it seems there was planks although some say they then had panels put over the top. Even the wings were planked diagonally.


Here's a pic of a Mig under restoration. If you look closely you can see the diagonal lines of the ply.



It maybe a real challenge to create planks all over from decals. I may have to have some with panels over the top to save my sanity!

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Boy that Alclad paint looks sweet but I've heard it's a bear to use?


Cheers Ralph, only used it a couple of times before on small bits, but I've learnt its all about the preparation rather than the top coat. Plastic to be super smooth and a nice shiny coat of black paint and it goes down lovely.

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Looks great Aaron!  The kit is indeed a very nice build with few vices.  Just need to get rid of those two frames on the windscreen.  Real thing doesn't have frames, but the plexi pieces join there so you don't need to obliterate the frames, just polish them out so that they look like the clear plexi join lines.  



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Looks great Aaron!  The kit is indeed a very nice build with few vices.  Just need to get rid of those two frames on the windscreen.  Real thing doesn't have frames, but the plexi pieces join there so you don't need to obliterate the frames, just polish them out so that they look like the clear plexi join lines.  




Cheers Doug. I remembered seeing this on your build but only after I'd masked, fixed and glued in place. She'll have to be as she is although its not strictly and accurate build of this plane, more artistic licence to show the make up the plane

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Decals decals and more dec...


End panels laid down like birch strips on the actual plane. Decals cut up into 3mm strips and laid down in rows. Think they came out quite well?



Also the same for the leading edge. Added the front slat just to see the effect.



All the big panels on the wings done top and bottom. just the other side to strip then onto the fuselage.




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Phew, decals all done. That's 12 hours work.



Carried the birch strips over to the top sections of the fuselage. Tried to go all around but just too difficult with the taper.









Next up is a glaze over the wood and tidy up a few areas. Then undercarriage and canopy.



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