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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

1:32 Trumpeter F4F-4 Wildcat

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Started this one back in March and just realised I never posted it here. Anyway this has benn a bit of an on and off build as my mojo did a runner.





She will be built as an Atlantic bird from USS Ranger circa 1942 using Tecmod decals. As Trumpeter don't provide either moulded  or Photo Etch I will be using some Fabric and PE belts from HGW, and she will be painted using MR. PAINT


Here's the after market bits


The fuselage halves to judge the size 


The bench cleared for action



Anyway, today's progress. Started on the cockpit and it all goes together well but to me sadly lacking in detail. I know the Wildcat was a basic aircraft but there is just something missing from the kit. The painting guide is non-existent so I will need to refer to references to get the cockpit right.






Seat harness and side frames next along with a bit of weathering.




Spent the morning making up the HGW seat belts, and yes I know the belt should go over the bar behind the seat but it's moulded and I'm not that good at scratch building.



Next I put the side Panels in and again had to guess at the colours.




This afternoon I started work on the engine.



I still have to put the heads in place and I will add the ignition leads.


Wildcats engine is now just about complete, next stage is to built its frame and put the two together.




Firewall and engine frame done





Cockpit in




And the fuselage halves together 



First up was the tail planes and elevators. They went well so I assembled and painted the main undercarriage assembly. 

Then it was on to one of the wings.




More soon



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Finally got back to the bench this weekend and made good progress on the Wildcat. She's just about ready for paint I need to mask the engine and undercarriage bay first.



The folding wing joints are not the best and are designed so that you can fold the wing after the kit is finished but it does look too good if you want to display the model with the unfolded. So I have elected to cement them in place. The fold join required a little filler, no so much that it hides the join though.

next update will probably be in a couple of weeks and you should see her with some paint on.

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On 11/09/2017 at 3:39 PM, stehlingsg said:

Watching this one closely as I have one in my stash. Which canopy mask set did you use? You go Girl!


Thanks guys,


Gonzo I used the Mondex Masks set, that provides both inner and outer masks for the canopy.

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Hi there Mish, really nice work! Great weathering around the engine mount area. I remember the wing folds on both Trumpy's Grumman Avenger and Skyraider kits being designed to 'fold', as it were, and completing them in the conventional sense made for the path of most resistance being the path of most work as well. Again, I agree with your decision to mount the wings  as you have, and I think (in my humble opinion, anyway) what you have completed there is most impressive! Well done!

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Thanks guys


A great day at the bench, very nearly got her finished.

The Techmod decals, although thin and easy to slide, just didn’t want to pull down. In the end I had to use multiple applications of Tamiya X20A to get them to conform.

I have eight more small decals to apply, the Matt coat and lights to affix. So with luck she will be making an outing to the North Essex Modellers Show next Sunday.




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