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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. Sad news, Harv was an essential part of this site for me from the very begining. RIP Dennis
  2. The Sea Hurricane version of this kit should be out this year, https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235151512-new-revell-132-sea-hurricane-mkiic/ Cheers Dennis
  3. Nice to hear your positive experience of using them Martin, I have a C.202 to build in the near future so will try them out on it. Cheers Dennis
  4. As I am a 100% enamel user the closing of Sovereign Colourcoats made me think about checking out other sources of paint, I know that Colourcoats are being resurected but I thought that I would investigate another make that I heard about on another forum. So like Martin (see above) I ordered some paint sets from ARCUS in Ukraine and they duly arrived today, so on my next Italian build I will give them a try. Cheers Dennis
  5. Nice build of a pretty challenging kit, I built the same kit not so long ago on a run of 4 PCM kits, they are not easy builds but can turn out looking good. Cheers Dennis
  6. That looks great hope mine turns out as nice but it won't have the same markings Cheers Dennis
  7. Now they look great, with the failure of Sovereign Colourcoats I was scrambling to increase my stocks of MM, Humbrol and Xtracolor, just in case. Ok so Sovereign have been resurected but it's nice to know that there are other enamel ranges out there. Cheer Dennis
  8. Used but not abused, nice work. Cheers Dennis
  9. Beautiful build, very reasuring as I have the Seafang and Spiteful in the stash. Cheers Dennis
  10. That's probably neater that the real in theatre applied paintwork, nice one. Cheers Dennis
  11. Here's a Britmodeller thread on the subject, there's more like this out there as well. https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235119780-spitfire-mk-vb-over-malta—request-for-paint-help/ Cheers Dennis
  12. I definately admire your perseverence, that looks great, much better than a decal. Cheers Dennis
  13. Nice work, looks just the job. Cheers Dennis
  14. Thank you, it's amazing that I managed to finish it but as usual I learned things from the the experience and am very pleased with the result. Cheers Dennis
  15. Thank you kindly Hubert, it is one that I am very happy with now, but if I want another C200 I will wait for the new Italeri kit. Cheers Dennis
  16. Following on from the Re2005 I decided to build another PCM kit, so dug out the MC.200 kit as it is so much an iconic Italian subject. The C200 was used by the Italian air force throughout their involvement in WW2 up to the armistice in several theatres and was the forerunner of a series of aircraft culminating in the formidable C205 one of three Series 5 aircraft, all being powered by a licence-built DB-605 engine the Fiat RC 58 Tifone 1,475hp engine. Some C200’s soldiered on after the armistice on both sides but its heyday was over though some were retained until as late as 1947 as advanced trainers. The subject that I picked for my build was a 364 Squadron aircraft red 7, as I do not know much on the subject of Italian WW2 aircraft I asked the guys over on the Stormo site for some help. They gave me lots of information about my subject, as well as two photos of “my” machine and the following comment. We don't know the MM of this plane, but from the extended windscreen (the two thin rectangular glass panels aft of the windscreen), the plane is a late production machine built by Ambrosini (SAI). The build took me exactly one year, the long time building was mainly due to me losing interest as it was a challenging build and my hand problems which in the end resulted in surgery for new thumb joints, but like most PCM kits it turned out well in the end. My Subject And this profile Paints used were Xtracolor for the main finish and Humbrol for detail painting, Montex masks for a C202 were used for the wing national markings, the rest was kit decals and for a change they worked great. I also found and used Kora Decals Italian prop logo decals, these come as a continious sheet that you have to cut out individual logos, but they look good. The only AM I could find was CMK main wheels for the G50 which were better than the kit ones. And on with the photos. Cheers Dennis
  17. Impressive. Cheers Dennis
  18. Now that is really looking the part. Cheers Dennis
  19. You have our sympathy it's not nice but that is the price you pay for all the fun and companionship that pets bring, they are part of the family, we lost our two cats a few years ago and it was devastating. Dennis
  20. Thank you, I'm really pleased with it (now) Cheers Dennis
  21. The next Italian subjects that I build just must have smoke rings, so, as I am not a wizard with the old airbrush I have bought these masks. While I was at SMW at Telford I stopped by the people from EBMA Hobby & Craft who made the nice paint storage drawers for my Humbrol, Revell and Colourcoats paints. I asked if they had simlar items for my Testors Model Master enamels. They said that they could make me a custom set of drawers for the MM paints, so I emailed the measurements of the jars to them and within a short time had everything stored away neatly. The cost was roughly the same as the "off the shelf" ones. Cheers Dennis
  22. Beautifully done, that is looking so good. Cheers Dennis
  23. Looks pretty good to me, a classic early jet shape. Cheers Dennis
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