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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. It's that good a build that the photos above could be confused with the real thing, which is not an easy thing to accomplish, superb. Cheers Dennis
  2. Scary stuff, luckily I live in boring England where the norm is heavy rain. Cheers Dennis
  3. Good news, sadly we have lost both of our much loved cats, both were adopted when we lived in Australia and we brought them back to the UK, Sydney was 15 when we lost him and Max was 18, they do become so much more than pets. Cheers Dennis
  4. Looks good to me but then again I do love the early war French camouflage, I would buy a kit of one in 1/32 scale. Cheers Dennis
  5. Lucky man, what a great haul for a great price as well, should keep you busy for a while. Cheers Dennis
  6. Great attention to detail there, I'm impressed Cheers Dennis
  7. Great photo, they sure had some interesting markings. Cheers Dennis
  8. Looks ready to roll across that desert runway, nice one. Cheers Dennis
  9. More goodies have been arriving, I really wanted a 1/32 scale Kate but now Infinity is no more I find I cannot afford the HpH kit as it is way beyong my modelling budget limit so this arrived yesterday. Well within my budget and does not need more AM like the HpH kit and will still build up to a respectable sized model.The builds that I have seen are very positive about the kit as well. To go with my Airfix Spitfire IX this lot arrived. Now just need to finish up my current build. Cheers Dennis
  10. Just read this from the start and what an amazing modelling masterclass. Cheers Dennis
  11. It's always nice airbrushing Xtracolor, saves a lot of hassle getting that nice glossy finish without varnish. Cheers Dennis
  12. Great start, nice crisp detail and that desert scheme always looks really good on a Spitfire. Cheers Dennis
  13. I have resisting this for quite some time but after reading some splendid build threads I took the plunge. Cheers Dennis
  14. The more room you have the more you fill it. Cheers Dennis
  15. Great build, looks really tremendous in those late wate war markings. Cheers Dennis
  16. Yes I had a problem with that by the cockpit, the finish was not too good either as you can see, I had to polish the wings up as they were so rough. The full tale of the build is here, from way back in 2013 https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234950125-mdc-hawker-typhoon/ Cheers Dennis
  17. They all seem to be like that one way or another, the nose on mine did not line up and one of the wings was a bit wonky as well, hot water and brute force seems to be the answer. The nose took some persuading as the top of the fuselage halves did not line up. And there was air bubbles in various places, but it all worked out in the end. Cheers Dennis
  18. Now that is a work of art, great job. Cheers Dennis
  19. Me neither ! Cheers Dennis
  20. Nice one, I have the RAF version and this build thread will come in mighty handy in the future. Cheers Denis
  21. It's modelling Jim, but not as we know it. Absolutely amazing. Cheers Dennis
  22. Impressive Cheers Dennis
  23. Nice one, got one of those to build myself so will be paying attention. Cheers Dennis
  24. Yes it does seem to be quite common for us more mature people to injure ourselves in the case of falls, I'm glad the injury was not worse and I hope a full recovery awaits you both. Cheers Dennis
  25. Now that really is a weird looking tank. Cheers Dennis
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