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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. Very enjoyable, we watch all his stuff. Cheers Dennis
  2. The postie just gave me this. Cheers Dennis
  3. No problem Maru, as to the Tempest I think it was the same aircraft that featured in a Warplane Workshop that I watched earlier on in the year, fascinating stuff. Cheers Dennis
  4. This reminds me of seeing this abandoned C47 on the roadside, we were on the way to Bangkok in 1997 and this is what we saw in the middle of nowhere. Cheers Dennis
  5. Great photos, any details for them and is there more from the same photo session. Cheers Dennis
  6. Great photos, any details of the unit ? I already have two Revell P51B's in the display cabinet, one US and one RAF, so regardless of accuracy issues I will not be buying an Eduard one. But I am pleased that there will hopefully be a modern, accurate kit available of such a historically important aircraft type for others to enjoy. Cheers Dennis
  7. Thank you for taking the time to post the photos, they look great. Cheers Dennis
  8. That certainly rolls back the years for me. Cheers Dennis
  9. Very attractive finish, I like that a lot and I am not a Luftwaffe fan. Cheers Dennis
  10. This is what is happening on my bench, first up I cleared it of anything that was getting in my way, so the plastic drawers with my paint in had to go, all eight of them. These were relegated to shelving units behind my chair, so a quick swivel in my chair and I can access them. Then I bought what looked like a more compact set of modelling drawers from a UK based company called EBMA Hobby and Craft, these arrive in kit form, see below. Out with the wood glue and this emerged after one hour, probably the fastest build that my desk has ever seen. It is szed for Humbrol tinlets, so my Humbrol, Xtracolor, Revell and Sovereign Colour coats can live in them. The company also does shelves and storage for other makes of paint and makes other useful model related items. Cheer Dennis
  11. Beautifully done John, another great build. Cheers Dennis
  12. Impressive build as usual John, I will use it as inspiration when I get around to building mine, but I doubt it will be built as fast. Cheer Dennis
  13. Nice one John, many years ago I built the Hasegawa 109G after a long string of ancient Revell kits and I could not believe what an enjoyable build it was, I must get around to build another some time, I have a few in the stash. Cheers Dennis
  14. Gosh that sounds really scary, it would frighten me to death, glad to hear that you know what it is and you are getting treatment. Cheers Dennis
  15. That is looking great, I really must get back into military modelling one day, I always used to find it more relaxing than aircraft. Cheers Dennis
  16. Amazing work, way beyond me nowadays but its great to watch your progress. Cheers Dennis
  17. For a future build of a Hobbycraft P51A, from Aerocraft Models, spinner and blades. Cheers Dennis
  18. Thank you guys, slowly, slowly, is the way forward. Cheers Dennis
  19. Nice one John the 109F is probably (in my view) the best looking 109 there was and looks really well in desert finish, that well in fact that I have one in the stash. Cheers Dennis
  20. Thank you for that Peter, it is more tempting to do too much with the right hand than it was with the left, but my ever vigilant better half very quickly shuts me down if I get too adventurous. Cheers Dennis
  21. Well the left hand is healing nicely and the right is coming along well so some bench time was due. I'm still working on the PCM Macchi C200, the airframe is all together, the one job that was worrying me was getting the engine and cowling to mate up to the fuselage so I set about it. First up was getting the positioning of the engine and the cowling right, this required spacers on the nose of the fuselage and also some "stops" inside the cowling to ensure that the engine did not protrude too far out of the cowling. Then the bridge between the fuselage and cowling needed to be fettled to make it fit. All this required some head scratching which was putting me off working on it but eventually I got there. Nose spacers Engine stops And the engine fitted And the result, a tad blurred but it looks about right, nothing is glued yet as I want to get the cowling (Yellow) and airframe (camo) painted first. Cheers Dennis
  22. Guilty as charged I also have boxes of left over parts and parts from scrapped models, I do dip into them from time to time as well, they do come in handy. Cheers Dennis
  23. Now that looks really good. Cheers Dennis
  24. I have 2 of these in the stash so it will be interesting to follow this build, lead on. Cheers Dennis
  25. Thats pretty shocking to see such a historic aircraft rotting away, what a shame. Cheers Dennis
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