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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. I've been waiting years for this one, roll on Cheers Dennis
  2. Hi Peter, sorry to hear about your troubles, getting old really is a pain in the bum. I'm glad to see you back at the bench and turning out some very fine and crisp work, it's amazing how Immersing yourself in a build will pass the time in a very pleasurable way and take your mind away from your troubles. Keep up the good work. Cheers Dennis
  3. Great model building going on there and great photos, thanks for posting them. Cheers Dennis
  4. Happy for you guys waiting for this one but it's a shame for me as it's not one of these below, but then again it saves me opening my wallet, maybe a future version will appear and tempt me. Cheers Dennis
  5. Very smart regardless of the correct orientation of the markings Cheers Dennis
  6. Looks great, just how I imagined it. Cheers Dennis
  7. I have one of those to build and would be over the moon if it turned out anywhere near as good as that, in fact I'm going to steal the photos so I have something to aim for. Cheers Dennis
  8. PCM produced kits of subjects ignored by the majors, a lot of the subjects that they made into kits have never been picked up by the mainstream manufacturers. Their Spitfire IX (e and c) was a first in 1/32 as was their Spitfire XIV, then they gave us a Tempest which has only just been replaced by the SH kit. The venerable Revell Hurricane was blown away by their Hurricane kits metal and fabric winged and is a subject still largely ignored by the mainstream. And of course the beautiful Italian subjects that have never been repeated by the mainstream, Macchi C200, C202, Fiat G55, Re 2005. They also did some ground breaking Lufwaffe kits as well, Ta 152 and Fw 190A. The kits are challenging (and how) but come with resin, PE, and normally lots of subject choices in their decals, just add patience and basic modelling skills. Cheers Dennis.
  9. My wife and I lived and worked overseas for ten years so we have always kept up to date wills, detailing everything and we keep it up to date as well because you never know, my brother in law dropped dead at the age of 62, so it can happen, be prepared. Cheers Dennis
  10. Coming along nicely, I had a problem with my PCM G55 in that the dihedral was all wrong and I had to take pretty drastic action to fix it, I don't know where this came from but it may be useful. Cheers Dennis
  11. Whoops, sorry to hear this after all the work that you put into it. Cheers Dennis
  12. Looking good and more importantly looking like an airframe ! Cheers Dennis
  13. Nice work, I like the Valentine for some reason, many moons ago I did build 2 of them, and the soviets apparently liked them as well. Cheers Dennis
  14. I'm with you on that one, painted on markings and HGW wet decals for me, even though they both can go wrong at times. Cheers Dennis
  15. Looks good, a most impressive aircraft, had one of those lined up for a next build but it got bumped by an Italian jobby. Cheers Dennis
  16. Looks great, just right to my way of thinking. Cheers Dennis
  17. For all things Italian my favourite site is Stormo, especially for colours and schemes https://www.stormomagazine.com/RegiaAeronauticaColorsinWWII_3a.htm Cheers Dennis
  18. Nice one Peter will be an interesting build and good reference for when I build mine, though I will be using the Sovereign Colourcoats equivalent colours. Cheers Dennis
  19. Nice, I'm just finishing my PCM Spitfire IX and the Re 2005 is next on my list so I will be taking notes. Cheers ennis
  20. Great job Peter, next up the icing on the cake, the markings. Cheers Dennis
  21. Something to please everyone Cheers Dennis
  22. Nice to see the paint going on, it really brings it to life. Cheers Dennis
  23. That looks like a tricky fix, and I don't have a lot of luck with clear parts. Cheers Dennis
  24. Hope it was a grand day Cheers Dennis
  25. Hope the surgery goes well, it's scary stuff, I have only one good eye and have just finished getting rid of cataracts in both eyes. It was scary when they did the good eye but it turned out well, apart from now having great distance vision but poor close up vision which means I have to now wear glasses for reading and of course model building, it's quite a change. Cheers Dennis
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