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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. Superb, what a great paint scheme, must build a Mossie again sometime, the last one I built was the Revell one in the 1990's. Cheers Dennis
  2. These should help Cheers Dennis
  3. Great stuff, my pre order is in, just waiting for the kit and the twin gun mount. Cheers Dennis
  4. That looks the business, well done you. Cheers Dennis
  5. Hope Special Hobby come through for you because it is looking really good. Cheers Dennis
  6. Now that is truly shocking, someone forgot about finishing them off them somehow. Cheers Dennis
  7. Very neat Cheers Dennis
  8. Now this is coming along nicely, in the time it would take me to open the box, but it does go quickly when you are enjoying a build. Cheers Dennis
  9. One of my favourite subjects, I just have not had the time to build mine so will just have to watch your build instead. Cheers Dennis
  10. All the best, have a great time. Cheers Dennis
  11. Sounds good and looks good. Cheers Dennis
  12. That is building up nicely, one of my favourite subjects, the Tempest looks so powerful just sitting on the ground. Cheers Dennis
  13. Looking good, that canopy looks ever so impressive and looks like it fits well. Cheers Dennis
  14. Nice to see this going together, I've only built a couple of Trumpeter kits and on the whole they were well engineered and a pleasure to build, I'll leave accuracy matters to the experts. Cheers Dennis
  15. That's a shame about the canopy, I never seem to have luck with clear parts. I have a couple of Airfix Typhoons in the stash and if I remember rightly there was a fair bit of fuss about the early bubble canopies with lots of replacements being sent out. But the car door Typhoon also looks pretty good to me and you are doing a great job so it should be look fine when you get it finished Cheers Dennis
  16. Now that is a rare bird and nicely built and painted as well. Cheers Dennis
  17. Superb work going on here, four Mustangs in a year of that quality, I would be happy to finish more that two kits in a year! Cheers Dennis
  18. Mine's on order at Hannants. Cheers Dennis
  19. As a big fan of Spitfires Barracuda stuff is a must on my builds, I have just just ordered the control columns via Hannants. Cheers Dennis
  20. That rather nice Tempest shape is emerging, looking good. Cheers Dennis
  21. Most impressive, looking forward to seeing more. Cheers Dennis
  22. Just had to, I was going to invest in one anyway but the fine build taking place on here clinched the deal for me. And unusual for me some of this Cheers Dennis
  23. Just had a quick look at Aviation of Japan and there is a PDF available on 'Detailing the D3A1' by Ryan Toews", I have this and it is pretty informative. It is available from the author on request, http://www.aviationofjapan.com/. With the recent release of the Infinity Models 1/32 scale kit of the Aichi D3A1 attention is drawn to the excellent PDF 'Detailing the D3A1' by Ryan Toews as featured in this blog's sidebar and here. Please note that this PDF is not available from Aviation of Japan but can be requested direct from the author by clicking on the 'Request a copy' link in the sidebar. If you should encounter any problems using that please email me and I'll pass your request on to Ryan Cheers Dennis
  24. I'll probably be using the Sovereign Colourcoats ACJ16, but will have a good look at the Aviation of Japan website first. Cheers Dennis
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