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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Finished the wood grain around the exterior of the cockpit, masked and painted the fuselage OD, set the engine and cowling and added the bottom wing and tail surfaces today!!
  2. Progress continues on the Sopwith!! Working on the wood grain cockpit interior. Cockpit. Really like the brass work! Seam work! Priming the fuselage. Dry fitting the engine and cowling.
  3. Finished the Panthers mounting stand!! All done, lol!!!
  4. Thanks Mike I really enjoyed building Tamiya!
  5. I agree Erik. While peace time tanks do get dirty during field maneuvers once they returned to the barn crews would meticulously clean and service them hoping to be the squadron best!!
  6. Really looking forward to watching this build!
  7. Holy cow no instructions!! Do you have to pay extra for them, lol!!
  8. Good Morning Rick! Hope all is well? Any snow up north yet? Looked around Squadron.com this morning and have to say pricing at eBay and even my local HobbyTown USA are considerably better!! Pricing on Tamiya armor kits are extremely high!! In this economy with value seeking modelers like myself Squadron’s pricing really seems a bit out of line!!
  9. Really enjoyed this build. Hats off to Tamiya!!
  10. Thanks Pardelhas for the kind comment. I'm using this Revell Spowith and Spad kit to practice all the techniques needed to build my WingNut Fokker D.V11 (A1b). So far I have really enjoyed learning how the simulate wood grain. Very cool process I must say!
  11. Wonderful pictures Guy. Thanks for posting them as I'm sure they will be a great reference to whoever builds this new Lanc!
  12. Getting ready for bed but wondering who would win a gun for gun shooting match??? Night all
  13. Busy day yesterday!! Started detailing and weathering the hull. Love the antennas! 48 road wheels later!!! Dry fitted the tracks before painting!
  14. Primed, highlighted panel lines and painted the OD base coat.
  15. A bit of dry fitting!
  16. Wow nice job on the Ho229!! Looks like its a great kit?
  17. Great turret detail! Off to the paint shop!!
  18. Oh yea!! I'll prime it and then highlight the panels first followed by a base coat of OD and then a lighter OD spot coat to emulate fading! Then I'll spray with Future, followed by Flory washes and pigments. Fiinally I'll seal with Revell Matt Finish.
  19. Beautiful craftsmanship!!
  20. Made very good progress on the M48A3 Patton yesterday. I'll finish the turret today, send it to the paint shop for priming and highlighting then start the road wheels!
  21. Thanks Layton! I'm enjoying these Tamiya armor kits!
  22. Working on the upper hull!
  23. The mail carrier was very nice to me today!!
  24. My Facebook Group "The Basement Air Force" is in the middle of it's first annual great tank build off and I flew though my Tamiya 1/35 Panther Tank so I decided to build my Tamiya 1/35 M48A3 Patton Tank also. Since losing my armor virginity on the Panther I was kind of excited to do another, lol!! Lots more suspension parts on this kit! Being an avid Revell aircraft builder I must say these Tamiya kits are such a joy to build. The fit is fantastic!!!
  25. Continue on with my wood graining effort! Very pleased with the prop!! Primed the wings, higlighted stitching ribs and painted the upper and lower surfaces. Still haven't mastered staight lines with my airbruch, lol!! Green upper wing surfaces. Tan lower wing surfaces. And finally continued on my attempt to woodgrain and detail a WWI cockpit. Looks ok but I still need lots of practice, lol!! Oh and I need to take care of that injector pin mark on the left side headrest. Good Lord Revell!!!
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