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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Did a bit more work on the F-106 today! Installed the belly fuel tanks and weapon bay doors, Install the main and nose gear assembly and doors. Ready for primer! Primed and sitting on it's own gear! Well let the primer coat dry/cure for a few days then spray the Gloss Light Grey base coat!!
  2. Resin sandbag kit arrived today from Armorscale! Looks very cool!! Also completed small bits on the hull so sent the Sherman down to the paint shop to be primed, highlighted and base coated.
  3. Yea I realized that after I making the gun so decided to take "artistic license" and install it, lol!! Just looks better with the bigger gun!! You’re right about the kit, it is a dream to build and should look cool all detailed up. This is my fourth armor kit and I have yet to expand my armor horizons to other manufactures chiefly due to the enjoyment I’ve found in building Tamiya armor. I just received a Tamiya Bradley with full interior I’m looking forward to building!! Any suggestions on that kit??
  4. Thanks Wayne. I'm enjoying all my new found skill sets. Scratch built a tent pole storage pod last night for the Sherman hull side!
  5. Cool video!!!! Did they have water injection?? Great review too.
  6. My Tamilya 1/35 US M4A3 Sherman MediumTank build thread! First attempt at painting figures!!! Now that's tedious work!! Scratch building a rolled up canvas cover and ditch logs for the side of the Sherman this morning!! Pretty pleased with my tissue based OD canvas roll. Should look cool attached to the Sherman's side. Also in the process of fashioning a few bed rolls for the crew. Well my scratch built canvas canopy roll, bed rolls, ditch logs and 76mm high velocity gun came out pretty good if I must say so myself!! Scratch built 76mm high velocity gun mounted to the turret! Also added armor plating on either side of the hull to protect ammo storage areas! Before the paint shop crew went home for the evening they kindly primed the Sherman interior white since we'll be displaying it with figures. They also primed the gun. A little under the weather today so just a bit of progress on the Sherman. Completed three drive assembles and join the upper and lower hulls!
  7. Very nicely done. I'm doing a Tamiya 1/35 M4A3 Sherman Tank in a winter scheme at the moment and was wondering two things! What did you use for snow and how did you get the ice effect on the base?
  8. LOL I know my limits!! I could never build this!!! Looking good. Looks like you've had a bit more bench time!!
  9. Simple beautiful!!!
  10. Great review Jim and really sweet schemes!
  11. Thanks Dennis and Rick just another step towards my WNW D-Vll!!
  12. What colors did you use for your camouflage scheme?
  13. Great build and highly recommeded!
  14. All done!! Check out LSM Aircraft Finished Work to see the completed build!!
  15. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! Who says OOB can't look fantastic!!
  16. Thanks Peter. I have really enjoyed all the classic or vintage kits I've done. Great to breath life into an old kit!
  17. Seen so many of these in black and red!! Really like the camo look!!
  18. Painted the engine cowlings and propeller. Install of both.
  19. Masked and base coat painted. Completed OD Army scheme.
  20. Noticed a few areas around the landing gear that need attention after priming so sanded, sealed, resanded and reprimed. Looks much better!! Will wait a day for the primer coat to dry/cure before masking.
  21. This arrived last week!
  22. Two new armor arrivals today!! The Challenger is huge!!
  23. Finally off to the paint shop for a primer coat. Glad to see that blue and yellow disappear!!
  24. The P-26 has been a real test of my rigging capabilities! I believe this monoplane kit has more rigging than my recently completed Sopwith Camel!! Should be able to mask and prime tomorrow!
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