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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Wonderful that you still have that!! Still looks great!!
  2. That is freaking incredible detail!!! Are those all aftermarket adds or scratch built?
  3. I really enjoy wood graining!!
  4. Well the rigging continues, lol!!!
  5. Rick what is your favorite hobby shop location in the DC area? I have a member on my FB group "The Basement Air Force" living in the DC area and would like to find a well stocked hobby shop.
  6. Started the rigging work on the P-26 this morning.
  7. Wow that kit is molded so cleanly and the part detail is amazing. I’m not familiar with the design and engineering of the Mosquito but the kit looks amazing to my uneducated eye!
  8. Since I've finished the outdoor lights I thought I'd relax and do a little seam work, lol!! The fit in this kit has almost been Tamiya!!! Detailed the engine and dry fitted the landing gear this evening!
  9. Did a little engine assembly last night and set it along to the paint shop to be primed! Paint shop primed the engine before they went home!!
  10. I’ve been practicing wood graining and rigging techniques etc over the last few months on several Revell 1/28 kits to ready myself to build my first WNW kit a D-Vll (Alb). Been watching the D-Vll group build and pouring over the tips here on the forum. I’ll follow your build with great interest!
  11. Thanks Jim. It was fun learning all those new techniques!
  12. Thanks Cees I'm a product of LSM and all the kind friends here!!!
  13. Glued the fuselage halves together last night while watch my beloved Seattle Seahawks manhandle the 49ers!! Great game and a perfect fit, lol!!
  14. Did a bit more cockpit work before enjoying a yummy Thanksgiving dinner. Opening the cockpit door really adds interest.
  15. You guys are so kind. I retired last year so have lots of time to purse my hobbies! Did I say I love retirement, lol!!
  16. Breathtaking work!!
  17. Thank you so much for that Jonathan. I really appreciate it. Love using what I continue to learn here!!
  18. Yesterday I had a few free hours so I decided to opened the cockpit door add a scratch built leather seat cushion and lapbelts. Will do the lapbelts this weekend.
  19. Wow coming along really well and I like that you cut the flaps. That will really add interest!
  20. Yea the seams on this Revell kit were challenging to say the least!!
  21. I hadn't heard that!! It's a great little aircraft and should be a nice build as soon as it's painted, lol!!
  22. In preparation to build my first ever WNW Fokker D-Vll kit I continue to practice the techniques needed by building this Hasegawa 1/32 Boeing P-26 Peashooter. The scheme will be OD fuselage and yellow wings of the 17th Pursuit Squadron stationed at Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan 1934. Should be a fun build!! Good Lord I really dislike colored kits!!
  23. I was wondering as I have the Tamiya Sherman and it looked similar. I'd like to do mine in a British North Africa scheme!
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