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Everything posted by RalphSarc

  1. Is this a re-boxed Tamiya kit?
  2. Thanks it's amazing what a bit of tissue and some PVA glue will do, lol!!
  3. The Hanomag and Antitank Gun is complete! Hope you like the results.
  4. The paint shop crew was back to work Monday and painted the Afrika Korp camouflage scheme. Installed the road wheels, tracks and front wheels. Also weathered and chipped!! Follow this link to the completed build!
  5. Looks like you're coming along well. I've been busy building a few armor kits which has been great fun!
  6. I vote for a SPAD XIII, Nieuport 27 and a Fokker Dr.1
  7. The paint shop crew was off today so I had to do my own priming and painted the tracks!!. Hope I did it right, lol!!??
  8. LOL thanks Wayne. Being retired allows me all the bench time I want between messing around the house, volunteering at our local hospital, traveling etc.With winter coming I'll have lots of free time so to catch up on my stash builds!!
  9. What a great reference!!
  10. Great review Jim. I'd like to do this one after my D-V11.
  11. Since I'm modeling my Hanomag Sdkfz251/1 in a Afrika Korp scheme I decided to scratch build a sun shade frame over the open compartment. I asked the following question on my "The Basement Air Force" Facebook group. "What would I use over this framework to simulate a canvas cover and how would I do that?" I received many kind replies opting to using tissue and water down glue to form a canvas canopy. So never one to shy away from a challenge or a new technique we'll see how it turns out once dried, painted, faded and weathered a bit, lol!! Framework. Tissue installed and painted with waterdown white glue.
  12. Very very cool!! That cockpit will look so great wired etc!!
  13. Good idea!! I have some Flory Models oily brown wash I'll use on it!! Thanks for that!
  14. Thanks Cees it was great fun and I learned a few new techniques along the way. Really like wood graining, lol!!
  15. Thought I jump back in to armor and build a Hanomag Sdkfz251/1 towing a Tamiya 7.5Cm Antitank Gun (PAK40/L46) Will model a Afrika Korp scheme using Tamiya XF-60 Dark Yellow as a base with Tamiya XF-62 Olive Drab lines mounted on a sandy base! While I'll always be a airplane guy I really love these Tamiya armor kits and enjoy building them. Like this lit as it has an interior I can detail! Painting the interior and drive wheels with Tamiya XF-60 Dark Yellow. Painted the seats with Tamiya XF-52 Dark Earth to make them standout. Also drybrushed the interior with both XF-52 and XF-62. Highlighted the dash by drybrushing with Tamiya XF-1 Flat Black. In researching schemes I ran across several pictures that I believe were crew installed hanging rails welded to the upper body so decided to scratch build a pair for interest! Left off with starting the drive section. Interior!
  16. Thanks for that! I was really pleased with my first ever wood graining attempt! It was great fun learning the technique!
  17. So very very cool. Need a lot of practice before I tackle this!!
  18. Continued the Sopwith Camel by installing the machine guns. Getting ready to install the upper wing. Two is better than one! Installing the main landing gear. Starting the rigging using .020 styrene rods. Painting the rigging! Painted each rigging wire end in Vallejo Brass to simulate turnbuckles and ready for decals! See the finished kit in the completion thread!
  19. Continues to look good!
  20. Thanks Ed. I prefer subtle weathering techniques to others! Glad you like the base too. The Panther was my first armor build as was the base!
  21. Thanks Brian. So far this has been a great build although a bit cappy around the inlets and sides below the cockpit! I'm building this for a friend who was a crew cheif on the aircraft.
  22. Very cool. I want to do a armor piece with an interior!
  23. Very nicely done! To bad they've discontinued that kit as it was a beauty!!
  24. Sprayed base coat of Tamiya light gray today.
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