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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Ah speaking about those Edgar, I noticed the Spiteful tail elevators have two elevator tabs with the inboard one having a balance weight. Is this Peculiar to the 22/24 only or the 21 too? Cees
  2. Hi Edgar, No problem, it looks better with a seperate cooling flap than just an engraved line across the radiator fairings. Thanks again for your excellent information which really gives an insight in the complexability of this late version compared with the Mk I. Cees
  3. The Frankenspit progresses with more transplants taking place. The PCM carburetter intake was fitted after hacking Out the Revell bit. The Revell spar top as been cut away to clear the wing fillets, but may be cut down even more To clear the cockpit. The fit between the fuselage and wing is well, errr....interesting. The radiator fairings have the cooling flaps cut out, these will be made from plastic seet and posed Open. The elevators have been cut away and will be drooping when parked. A start has been made on the cockpit interior. Cees
  4. Jeroen, Good to see you building a WW II subject again. Despite the short time you have kept your high standard. With this aircraft type you can really pull out all the stops weathering it. Cees
  5. Very nice finish Johann. What type of glue did you use? Cees
  6. Hi James, Wow, what a kit, knew about it but not that it is this comprehensive. Are you going to build it? Cees
  7. Read yesterday in Scale Aircraft Modeller that HK Models are hoping to have a detailed test shot of the Lancaster on show at Telford. So they will be present there and hopefully show some goodies (Meteor?). Don't know where they got that from though. Also it seems that the Mosquitoes are confirmed as well. Cees Edited: corrected modeller magazine name
  8. You better hide this from Jeroen P. Great review. Cees
  9. Seriously, Wingnuts does give us a Gotha and AEG, but no British counterpart. And The 0/400 ( actually 0/100) was the first true heavy bomber. Any input from someone close to WNW? Hint hint Cees
  10. I think I will have to finish my two scratchbuild (1/32 and 1/28) then to comply to Murphy's law. Or Jones's Law (Murphy was right). Cees
  11. To kick off this new forum I have a question that's been nagging me for some time. With the many new offerings by Wingnuts these past few years, no HP 0/400 has surfaced yet. Any chance it will join the list? Cees
  12. With me having a huge backlog of kits in various stages of completion, I think you win. Cees
  13. Nice windscreen set. Adressing that HobbyBoss windscreen problem at once. Cees
  14. It was on the table of a German vendor. i thought it was the AIMS conversion set. Cees
  15. The Mossie can be made to look good, aftermarket is available to correct the nose ( FB VI) and canopy. The nacelles Cam be corrected with Milliput. Until the (HK Models?) new kit arrives of course. Cees
  16. Yes, that was Alan Clark's 1/24 scratchbuilt model, a true master. Cees
  17. Yes, it was fun fun fun, i left with 144 issues of Scale Aircraft Modeller, for a song. Cees
  18. Thanks Ben, The PCM radiator fairings are good too. Just assembled the wing undersurfaces. The good news is the front spar does not interfere With the new wheelbays. The rear spar does with the radiator trunks but I cut off the ends As there is enough surface left to set the dihedral. The open ends of the trunks were Closedcwith thin card, they really look like authentic radiator trunks and I can still Use the PCM radiator faces. Cees
  19. Where is Luuk (dutch decal) when you need him. Cees
  20. Update, The transplant was succesful. The PCM wheelbaytrunk err thingies have been fitted. The front and rear Have no gaps, the sides need to have walls fitted from thin card. Very pleased so far. Next is to fit the Revell wings to the centresection and the spars. This will make the entire Assembly rigid with the correct dihedral. After that...more surgery. Cees
  21. You mean the Spiteful don't you? Cees
  22. I'd better invest in a straight jacket. Must be a mental thing. Tried to sever my left middle finger in the process yesterday. Must remember, it's a hobby (mantra). Cees
  23. Chaps, Do you think a kit in our scale of this iconic prototype would sell well? If obscure types such as Dornier Do335, Shinden etc. are kitted and seem to generate a lot of interest (and sales), why not this one? Care to discuss? Cees
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