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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Sooo your secret is you soak your decals in mcdonalds coffee to make them conform better to irregilar surfaces? Cees
  2. Not! Here's the proof
  3. Ok now you have me doubting myself........ Cees
  4. Well, something learned today. Cees
  5. It's not exactly armour is it? Cees
  6. Work has resumed, I mixed my own cockpit green, quite pleased how it turned out. Will post some pics as soon as the cockpit parts are finished, soon I gather. Cees
  7. Did you apply the mottle freehand? Cees
  8. Same here, but our local Albert Heijn supermarket has thick magnetic tape that is very useful too. It's ordinary tape but with relatively low magnetic force. Cees
  9. Hi Tim, Good to see you here. Welcome to the forums. Cees
  10. The true artist formerly known as Peter from Airscale. Welcome, hope to see it at Telford and you too of course. Cees
  11. Rog, This is is the ancient kit, but I was always impressed by the amazing surface detail at the time. The tailsurfaces have large hinges that are meant to operate the rudder/ elevators, but are fictional. The wing underside lacks the gull wingsection. The ailerons are very thick, especially the trailing edges. It needs work but can be made in a good model. Cees
  12. Hi Joe, You mean you are working on a 1/72 or 1/48 kit? AFAIK there is no kit in "our" scale. LSM Is intended for 1/32 or larger. Although the B1 is a large aircraft in kitform. Perhaps the Hyperscale forum can help you. Sorry, Cees
  13. .??? You mean cockpitgreen? Cees
  14. I'm with you on that Matt. That's the joy if modelling, the challenge, solving problems, it all can give a lot of satisfaction. As well as Frustration at times. I built the Tamiya Spitfire and it almost fell together. Did not like it. But hey, So many modellers, so many tastes. Thankfully otherwise these forums would be boring. Cees
  15. Nothing major, as long as you accept it is not Tamiya quality. Cees
  16. Update, Famous last words Matt LOL The cockpit is to wide on my sample too. I solved this by drilling out the location holes For the base part so the ends do not partly fit into the sides but can slide fully Through. The width can then be adjusted, quite simple really. Cees
  17. Thank goodness you didn't Nick. Cees
  18. Working on it. Still enjoying a lazy holiday. Just to make sure, I am not aiming at getting oohs and aaahs when I post an update. But if nobody responds, preferrably with advice I can learn from, what's the use to post updates. Time better spent on modelling. Any views in this? Cees
  19. Did I wake up anybody? Cees
  20. Wow, the response after more than a week after I posted this update is mindboggling LOL Cees
  21. It's the Belgian way of life, one gets used to it very quickly. Cees
  22. I thought this thread is about the 335 not the 17 . As soon as that one is to be expected let's start A new thread. Cees
  23. Update, I adapted the radiator pieces by fitting a tube between the two parts, this is supposed to Represent the radiator duct. Also it serves to keep the parts equally apart. The radiator photo etch was fitted by applying a thin coat of CA by spreading with A piece of stiff paper, quickly.. Also testfit of the wings. Cees
  24. So do I but I got sidetracked by the PCM Tempest. Cees
  25. You can always explain that Hermann Goering tried to sit in it. Nice sheen on the cockpit parts. Cees
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