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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Just to note 1/48 is outside the scope of LSM Cees
  2. Sirry, but my Russian is a bit rusted ( or heavily corroded) Can you translate. Cees
  3. Thanks Edgar, Right in time before I start the cockpit work. Your knowledge is always helpful. Cees
  4. Translated; Like a flee but weeeeee! Always like that. Cees
  5. So am I Grant. It would be interesting to compare this with the MPM kit. The wings are finished, so time for colouring the cockpit. Cees
  6. A nice and honest review Nick. Cees
  7. Does it come with T-stoff and C-stoff too? Cees
  8. You can wait that long? Cees
  9. Not me, I am building instead. The wife is though. Cees
  10. Rog, The first kits had some quality control issues such as warped parts and ill-fitting wheelbays. PCM aknowledged this and replacement parts are provided. When you receive your kit These problems should not exist anymore. But resin is a difficult material and can shrink or Expand. Cees
  11. The whole piece including connecting block fitted well on my example. Only some Paring away on the fuselage fillet undersides. You can see it in the pics, nothing major I chose to take off the block to keep the centresection flat, that's my decision. Others May be perfectly happy using the instructions. Just normal modelling Nick. Cees
  12. Rog, Just check if the wheelbay piece sits snugly against the wing. Dryfitting is important to check the fit. Are you working on one? Show it on this forum. I just completed cementing the outerwing undersurfaces. Cees
  13. James, Don't know yet, but I will fit a brace between the fuselage halves to eliminate any gaps between The wings. That should enable to fit the pit too. Cees.
  14. To know this project started as a quickie, it has evolved into a great understanding of the subject To all of us. Great topic. Cees
  15. After Jeroen and I finished the Tempest review my fingers itched to start work on it. The following pics are the result if one week of making as many subassemblies in Preparation to start the airbrush process. The fuselage and centresection are just taped Together but they fit well. So far the work has gone smoothly apartt from the necessary cleaning up and trimming Needed with this kind of kit. But I am enjoying it very much. After taking the pics this evening I have cemented the top wing halves on the centre section. One deviation I did was to cut away the connecting block from the wheelbays and fit a Mainspar from thick card instead. The centresection of the Tempest was dead horizontal. Cheers Cees
  16. Having re-read this thread This kit looks to be a real winner. Petr, Some observations, the gun sight in your CAD photo has the glass screen the Tempest V was not fitted with. Do you intend to supply the retractable foodstep? Good luck with the ongoing development. It's very much appreciated. Cheers Cees
  17. Apparently it was for sale during the IPMS US Nationals. Cees
  18. The kit is very simple, no doubt about it. Special Hobby is in the same league as PCM speaking from Experience. I did the Buffalo once and it came to a sudden Stop against a hard concrete object ( my livingroom wall). But that's modelling. I am enjoying it very much. Cees
  19. Ok an observation now I am building this kit. First, I love it, it has all the signs of a well Researched subject. So far everything fits well, provided you clean up the parts. No rocket science here. The resin wheelwells also fit very well on this sample. The winghalves nicely fit Over them without gaps. But, there always is a but. The resin block has a slight droop that could make the centresection look like A stuka/corsair( depending on your orientation). Nothing major but this needs attention. Two solutions, One; saw the bridgepiece away and glue the bays seperately and Use a spar from thick card or any other material you have handy to keep the wing straight Two; make a V-cut across the bridgepiece underside and insert a piece of leftover resin and Glue this in position. This should keep the wing straight. The photo etch radiator faces are larger than the plastic parts, but can easily trimmed with Scissors. The cockpit framework does fit if a spacer (thick piece of sprue) is fitted to splay the fuselage sides Out more, this in effect also closes the wing/fuselage joint. Hope this helps. Cees
  20. Rog, No, the Typhoon has a simple landinggear leg. The Tempest has a very complicated landinggear. The MDC Typhoon gear is flawed as it looks like it is too short and should be raked more forward Than the kit. I have it but cannot comment on a solution until building it. James H built his, perhaps he can comment on it. Cheers Cees
  21. Johann is in hospital? Iain, you didn't have to beat him up LOL. Joking aside, glad that this has been handled well. Cheers Cees
  22. For a moment I thought you asked for the 1/48 kit. Then again you did, naughty boy. Cees
  23. Yes they are, the Typhoon canopy was carried over tot the Tempest (an improved Typhoon) and then to the Fury/SeaFury (an improved Tempest). How's that for development. Cees
  24. Uwe, Welcome and enjoy! Cees
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