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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Well the second try was not a succes as the clear coat was contaminated and as a sesult the canopy was not very clear. so here is attemp #3, where the sliding sidewindows have been fitted. Closed in my case. After a thorough clean it will be masked inside and out. cheers Cees
  2. How could I have missed this thread. What fantastic paintwork. You really like them scruffy. Cees
  3. Wonderful work as always Peter. Have you figured out how to represent the weld on that fillet? Cheers Cees
  4. There is not much of dihedral on the Hurricane. The top of the wings if almost horizontal but the underside of the outerwings slope upwards creating the impression of dihedral. Hth Cees
  5. Absolutely bl@@dy fantastic. Just a thing for the man cave. Although I have never seen that type of fire-extinguisher in any British power turret. Well done. Cheers Cees
  6. After sanding and first stage polishing. A bath in a futurelike product will hopefully restore clarity. Cees
  7. Making the antenna fit the canopy by drilling holes and filing out to shape. Next to sand away the horizontal frames on the exterior of the rear canopy section. Cees
  8. I have a spare. The reason why I cut off the rear section from the first canopy is to have better access. I think making the interior structure is more of a pain in the petoetie than that it's worth. So am thinking about representing the structure with painted strips of thick tape, or just paint over from the outside. The horizontal frames will be sanded off and the frames need to be represented on the inside. Only the boltheads were visible on the outside. We tried to pass that info on to HKM but they didn't take it up. The canopy masks are on their way. After the canopy and the fuselage windows have been masked of, I think it's time the fuselage gets a primer coat. But I am happy with the progress so far. Cees
  9. And the antenne has been made, still needs to cut to length. A steel pin serves as anchor and the mast is intended to be fitted after the canopy.
  10. The leather cushion to prevent injury to airmen’s heads had been fitted.
  11. Been a while but I got some work done on the Mancunian. If you look hard on photographs there is something fitted under the rear canopy. This is a piece of armourglass to protect the flight engineer. In the book Dambuster Lancaster this becomes clearer, see pic. so this is my representation. I also attempted to make the structure inside the rear canopy which is made from spruce strips on the real Lanc. Unfortunately glue was smeared on the clear plastic. Oh well, back to square one.
  12. Nice butchery Jeroen, the majority of those Buchons are flying again in the UK. Cees
  13. That is looking mighty fine Ernie. Well done. Cees
  14. Very nice work, regarding glazing the windows, I usally work with discarded CD-covers. That works fine and can be polished back to full clarity. Cees
  15. Hi Mike,

    I was not trying to be disrespectful but I love your Lanc conversion and it really deserves a dedicated thread of it's own.

    Keep up the good work.



  16. Very nice John, Shall we call it the Shelf of Delay from now on? Cees
  17. Considering your opinion I rate this kit unbuildable. Cees
  18. Mike, That looks fantastic please make it a separate thread for all of us to enjoy. Cheers Cees
  19. There's no stopping you! But then again you like 'em dirty. Wonderful.
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