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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Wow, that turned out absolutely fantastic. I really love the Sea Fury.
  2. Very nice Jeroen, you are going to paint that all while the model is in one piece? Must be difficult to get the details painted on the engine?
  3. My parents still remember seeing those bombers flying very low to drop the bags of flour etc. Great subject.
  4. Blimey!!! That's fantastic. Those codes really fight for every inch available on the fuselage.
  5. Please slow down Peter as Telford is still 11 months away. Wonderful, ........again.
  6. What they said, a very warm welcome to LSM. Funny how most modeller's lives seem to run along a similar path ( in some cases kids excluded). We can't run and we can't hide. The hobby will always return.
  7. I had that book too at one moment in time. Excellent reference source.
  8. Indeed, so have I and after several attempts WNW decides to step in...... Oh well. Really enjoying your Fokker Kent. Cees
  9. Glad that it is not resin, this one will be on my list.
  10. OK enough chit chat, let's see some plastic being tortured shall we? I have one coming too early January so will be following this closely. Cees
  11. Some progress. The cockpit parts are nearly ready. Still to do is scratchbuilding an instrument panel. A new throttle box pedestal has been made which is much better than the previous attempt. The flight engineers panel has had the two rows of instruments on the starboard side cut off because of only two engines instead of four.
  12. Well said. Let's make this one enjoyable WIP that everyone can learn from (including yourself). I noticed the bomb doors are a little plain while they actually are a shutter type similar to a roll up desk,. Some engraving of horizontal lines will sort that out I'm sure. What I am curious about is will the frosted canopy benefit from a sanding sponge? If not, you can market it als " Frosty the Turret" paint some eyes on it and start a whole new comic universe. Cheers Cees
  13. The RAF never issued flak jackets that I'm aware of.
  14. I know, hollow printed parts would be the best option, but as the legs were sturdy enough to support the Lancaster prototype with 4 engines, the span is less and less engines so should work out. If Milliput is too heavy then vacformed basis shapes are an option. I hope.
  15. Great to see you having something B-24 shaped on the workbench. Can't wait to get my hands on mine. It's not perfect but then again no kit is. Looking forward to see this behemoth taking shape.
  16. Very nice, that would look great in a museum display case. Well done.
  17. Thanks David, Well I have been working on the Mancunian on a regular basis although the upcoming Chrismas festivities slow things down somewhat. Thanks to the spare parts I got from Neil Yan things are progressing nicely and this coming Saturday I'm sure more progress is being made during the monthly IPMS modelling afternoon. If the engines cannot be 3d printed I will make them myself either vacform or solid from Milliput, have done that before in 1/48 so won't be a problem. Cees
  18. Come on James, get a move on!
  19. I do know some bomb aimers took waste bin lids with them to protect certain parts of their body. When lying on your stomach with flak coming up you feel very much naked.
  20. This is turning out extremely nice.
  21. What a catastrophe!
  22. What scale?
  23. The kit is as complete as it gets with photo etch safetybelts. Then again the modeller is always free to upgrade as he/she pleases. The aftermarket will always oblige. We never had it so good. Cees
  24. Wonderful progress. About the stance of the undercarriage. The Mk I's had a less raked forward stance than the Mk V (which is the original kit by Hasegawa). IIRC the landing gear on the MK I was almost 90% or something in that order as opposed to the underside of the wing undersurface. Cees
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