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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Good on ya Ralph, these old kits are fun. Go for it. Cees
  2. Ahh, and that sentence started so well, pity about the end though LOL Cees
  3. Same here. Cees
  4. And so ends another epic instalment of this magnum opus, next staaage! Cees
  5. Hmm nice Mossie set, expensive but nice. Personally I think that pitot-tube is a waste of money. Cees
  6. Rog, Just being curious but what are your plans with all those kits? You cannot build them all in your lifetime and the next. Cees
  7. Good to see you getting re started with the Mossie. Cees
  8. I will make him do it, he can run, but he can't hide. Poor competition, they don't stand a chance. Cees
  9. Guv, he's doing it again.... Cees
  10. Hmm, that top panel does not hinge, nether does the wing ammo door. If you enjoyed building it, that's great. Cees
  11. Did you beef up the spar Peter? Cees
  12. Very nice, but too clean at the moment. Will you weather it a bit? Cees
  13. Another fine installment in this saga. You prove that the battle between weight and strenght is an ongoing proces. If you need to beef up the tailspar you cannot make it too heavy, otherwise you have a tailsitter. More weight At the front for balance will strain the landinggear etc etc, fascinating. Cees
  14. Vinyl is here to stay (in James' mancave) Yeah, baby Yeah! Ohhw behaave. Cees
  15. I hope you mean your latest one. It is great. Cees
  16. If covered it should be fine, but it will be vulnerable. Laminated plastic is perhaps too heavy. Cees
  17. If your laminate has grooves than the groovemonster is out to get your parts. Speaking from experience. Cees
  18. Very nice Peter, and so unexpected. I thought you were using plastic versions of the card kit, but this an excellent solution. Cees
  19. Fantastic, love the rudder repair, what colour will the propellertips be? Cees
  20. I really want a Blenheim, and I support this idea fully, but before committing myself I want to see substantial progress. I understand the airframe will be plastic, not resin. I am enthusiastic but realistically sceptical at the same time. Cees
  21. Got myself a HK Models B-25j bomber. Work on it will start immediately. Cees
  22. Those underwing lights look very nice. Slowly but surely....... I am looking forward to building a mk II. Cees
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