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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Nothing wrong having several projects at the same time, sometimes you are more inspired to start again on some kit or another. At least that is what works for me. At some point I have a kit lying around for months or even years, suddenly the urge kicks in and you just want to finish that kit. Cees
  2. Jimbo, I have fitted the SAC white metal legs today, but I cannot recommended them. First they are rip-offs from the kitparts and second the metal is quite soft and third they do not fit into the wingsockets without some major work. I sawed some of the top off in order to fit them, bending the metal in the process. The nosewheelfork is very weak and I think the kitpart is better suited. Cees
  3. I would use the drawings ( if you want my opinion). Cees
  4. Hi all, Been awhile since the Beaufighter was finished. I have started a new project though. This will be a Dutch Mitchell as used postwar in Indonesia. Will provide more details later, here are some pics to show the current state of play. Although I wanted to build it out of the box I could not help myself to spruce up the barren side gunners positions with some generic structural details. Not strictly accurate mind you. The tunnel towards the nose is not provided, but some Evergreen sorted that out. I got me the Profimodeller noseweight which is intended for this kit. No tailsitter to be sure. A must if you build this kit. Cheers Cees
  5. Indeed, they look like inbusnuts. Cees
  6. Nice build, is the prop hanging loose by any chance? Cees
  7. The weathering is great. Although the crewchief that allowed the exhaust collector ring to rust that badly, should be put on a month of water and Bread. Cees
  8. Agreed Mish, The past few months a great number of finished Models have been published on the web, with very nice results too. And the price is an absolute bargain. Thanks, Cees
  9. Jeroen, When looking at the photo with the mainspar attachment thingies, I have a feeling they are not Junkers but part of the jig to hold the fuselage horizontal. Better check more pics to be sure. But then again I could be wrong. Cees
  10. Good start Mish, What is your opinion about the Revell Spit? Cees
  11. Thanks for featuring that great model. Great paintjob. Cees
  12. Love that scratchbuilding. Interesting to see a Griffon nose fitted to that ancient ( but with fantastic skin detail) kit. Great project. Cees
  13. Very nice solution, well done. That broodje bal and the excellent company (ahum) today really freed your creatieve juices. Cees
  14. should certainly be jeroenable. Cees
  15. Very nice way to correct "issues". Cees
  16. Noise, how are you going to tackle the complicated fuselage/wingspar screw fittings? Cees
  17. €189 in Holland, 1/35 scale. Cees
  18. Harry Potter world, it's near Hatfield and the Mosquito Aircraft Museum. Cees
  19. Jeroen, Another highpoint in your impressive production line. The weathering looks superb. Ok, and now a negative comment............not! Cees
  20. Jeroen, You are a modelling machine. Cees
  21. Just spotted this, WoW, absolutely WoW, did I mention WOW? Nicely done Mike. Cees
  22. Those decals are for the RAF Mk IV Mustang, which is basically a K-version but with a special gill or Louvre type of filter over the breather openings. Hope this helps. Good choice if you buy these decals. Go for it. Cees
  23. Impressive kit, must be daunting to see all that resin in the box. But that's why the chocolate is included. Cees
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