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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. I agree with Radu, Had some very bad experiences with that. It either wouldn't get hard again or crumbled and was impossible to sand (talking about Milliput here ). Better safe than sorry. Cees
  2. Early Mossies had smooth tyres. Cees
  3. HK Models 1: 0 Tamiya
  4. How about the YB 40 as a conversion set
  5. Good choice Jonathan. Are you going to lenghten the rear fuselage too?
  6. Ok in that case it will be a Hawkermarine Hurrifire. Cees
  7. Ahh, was wondering when you were posting this here. Great idea. Cheers Cees
  8. But let's stick with the Mossie right now Cees
  9. It's out already? Time to go to Aalsmeerderbrug again. Cees
  10. I think it definately needs to be included. Sugar has it too. Better with than without. Cees
  11. Nice competition with HK Models. Cees
  12. Any tip to make the hard work for our slogging hard working modellers lighter, is a good un. Cees
  13. Well done Jim for all the hard work behind the scenes. Cheers Cees
  14. Good point Dave, But with that many windows it is a hell of a job for an experienced modeller to cut out identical windows, let alone a relatively newcomer. Cees
  15. Just received the Lodela Beaufighter. Ancient Revell kit with some low quality vacform parts, good vacform canopies and some early Eduard etch. Will be used as spares for the Beau to finish and the Hampden. Cees
  16. So. Needle blade props or the later paddle blades. Same as the Mossie ones by the way. Threaded or slick tyres? Early four gun or later two gun .50 tail turret. Early or later Bombardier bubble? The list is long. Being such a large model at a price one should consider that People would Usually buy example. So the option to build Several marks should be included. Any views on this? Cheers Cees
  17. Very subtle. Good to see the progress you made. Cheers Cees
  18. Very nice. But I would hold back on weathering the cookie. These were newly produced. Cees
  19. You have a special connection with that aircraft Max? Cees
  20. You do not have many wishes I see. Lol Cees
  21. How about getting this topic up to speed. What are you expecting from this lancaster kit? Cheers Cees
  22. Problem is most People have never heard of the whitley or hampden. Bringing out New kits will only be done to make a profit. Cees
  23. LSM scoop, I have the prototype at home. Cees
  24. The Westland Whirlwind A detailed guide to the RAF's twin-engined fighter Airframe Album # 4 Author: Richard A. Franks Publisher: Valiant Wings Publishing Price GBP 15,95 (plus P&P) via the publisher This popular series is specially aimed at the aircraft modeller. It provides a general description of the subjects development using photographs, line-drawings and artwork. Although not to be considered the definitive standard this series provides a very good insight into a certain aircraft type. The book, what do you get: A4 softback format, 82 pages. Text by Richard A. Franks, the colour profiles are by Richard J. Caruana. All photographs are printed in black and white. Although the general quality is good, some pics are enlarged parts of existing photographs and the quality van be somewhat vague here and there. The book is divided into the following sections: 1. technical description: This deals with the types construction, cockpit lay-out, engine installation, radiator-mounting. A very useful information package to spruce up your kit or even go that bit further in updating that 1/32Combat or Tigger vacform. Some very nice images from the Air Publication show all you want to know and perhaps more. The Whirlwind was ahead of it's time and it shows. 2. Evolution-prototype, production and projected variants: A very interesting section that lists all former airframes that were built, projects and various (mostly) armament installations. Good quality dawings show the various differences clearly. This section is a great help if you want to model a certain type of Whirlwind. 3. Camouflage & Markings: This deals with the various liveries worn by Whirlwinds. The colour profiles are by Richard J. Caruana. The type wore plenty of interesting marking options. 4. Production: Listed are all examples built, a concise history and fate. Sadly not one Whirlwind was preserved for posterity. The Whirlwind Fighter Project is working on a full size static Whirlwind though. 5. Appendices: This lists what kits, aftermarket, decals and literiature is available if you want to build a scale Whirlwind. Some reservations: This series is intened for modellers and the previous volumes provided scale drawings to 1/72, 1/48 or 1/32 scale. This volume does not, which is a pity. Although we were informed the first batch did have drawings. At LSM we think it's strange. Another observation is that previous volumes had build articles by well known modellers. None are published here. The recent Trumpeter 1/48 is only listed but nothing else. It would have been nice to wait a few more months, until it was available and a review included. The book does give the idea of a rush-job. Something the Whirlwind certainly doesn't deserve. What do we think? If you want to know more about this fascinating fighter and it's history as well as it's construction then this book is for you. As long as you are not expecting scale drawings, build articles or an in depth review of the new Trumpeter kit. Recommended with reservations Thanks to Valiant Wings Publishing for providing the review sample. Cees Broere
  25. Some appetisers: Cees
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