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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Hi all, Since the middle of september I hadn't touched a modelling knife or kit. Reason for this was having to redecorating the new appartement and moving into it. The modelling juices had evaporated and the B25 was languishing in it's box. I seemed to be lost. Luckily Telford was round the corner and this did the trick ( as well as bringing home a Mossie kit with me). Having seen all those wonderful Models my spirits lifted and this evening work at the workbench has commenceth. Well as you know I cannot help myself by doing impossible projects and this one is no exception. The HK Models B IV will be transformed into the first one, W4050. Haven't made up my mind yet if it will be all yellow, half yellow and half wood or topside camouflage with yellow undersides. What I do know is some butchering was needed. The pics show what happened next. Cees
  2. How do you get those wings from the casting blocks without damaging the leading edges? Cees
  3. Your favorite part, remember not to sneeze while doing it. Might get some spectacular weathering results. Cees
  4. errrrr no, it's the slightly less dark side. Cees
  5. That Valkyrie box really looked like an Ikea flatpack. Cees
  6. My haul was modest, I got the Haynes Manual on the Bristol Blenheim, and the HK Models Mosquito B IV. So will start hacking it apart to make the prototype soon. Not into Dark side modelling, save me a lot if money Though. Cees
  7. Not to mention how to sneak it past the wife.... Or hide your creditcardreceipts Cees
  8. A true craftsman. Oh and Tom, I forgot to tell you last year at Telford (almost a year ago) that bit I gave you is from DV286. Cees
  9. LIke the face Jeroen, no loss of face! Saves you from using the Katana. Cees
  10. Very very nice. Cees
  11. Yess! It worked. Cees
  12. HPH also has a 1/18 Arado AR234 available. What a monster. Cees
  13. Wow, that's quite a collection Wouter. Cees
  14. Sikorski Russian? Yes at first, but he emigrated to the US so I would consider it to be an American manufacturer. Cees
  15. If you select a particular picture then on the right side of the screen you can see four different links, it's the lower one with IMG in front of the link. Copy this, if this has been succesful you should see the word : copied. Then go to your thread, post the link with control V, if you are finished with the post then you can preview it or just hit post, then the pic should come on the screen. Good luck Cees
  16. I would put a cushion on my windshield to soften the blow. Cees
  17. Exit stage left....and start again. Good to see you back. Cees
  18. You can post it here on LSM too (nudge nudge wink wink) Cees
  19. Hi Wouter, This is one project I will follow for sure. Very nice subject. Cees
  20. The iMG link should work. Cees
  21. Hi Gus, Nay, Rozengracht, it is close to the Rokin (give or take a mile) but behind the Royal Palace at Dam Square. They have a set of washes too, I was shown some projects they were working on and it looked great. And nothing is done by airbrush. Just a quick primer with a spraycan and the rest with the hairy wand. Cees
  22. Got myself a Citadel basic paintset today. During lunchtime visited a games workshop and met some nice guys there. They showed me the paint and left not emptyhanded. Working in the centre of Amsterdam has it's uses. Cees
  23. Good morning Jerry and welcome to LSM. 1/4 scale eh! Well that is definately large scale. You could use the 1/32 Tamiya Phantom for reference and upscale it to the desired size. It is generally accepted as being very accurate shapewise (apart from the odd repair patches here and there as they used a derelict battle repair example for reference). Do you have any previous experience building such large models? Very interested. Cees
  24. Tom, How about using photobucket? If you copy the IMG-link into the topic (control V) it should work. That's what I use. Cees
  25. WoW I like the weathering very much, the mud is especially nice. How did you do the exhaust? Cees
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