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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Very nice build, some nice scratchbuilding too, Any more of your builds? Cees
  2. Paul, Using some sort of walkway to at least cover the joint itself will be your best bet I think. Trying to sort it out will do more harm than good. With so much interior detail the eye is possibly drawn away by other items than that join. What a project. Cees
  3. Ahh it is less looking like a resin vibrator once you have the wings on. Cees
  4. Wow, you don't see these often, welcome to LSM by the way. Cees
  5. Blimey Arnie, I have moved house a few days ago and my livingroom is the size of your modelling area. Looks good, but who will do the cleaning? Cees
  6. For a "simple" glider Bronco seems to have made quite a sophisticated kit of it, hats off. Cees
  7. Tom is now working on a 1/24 Combat Vacform British Spey Phantom, what a Modeller. Yes with a capital M. Cees
  8. That's a real good looking Mustang. Very well done. Cees
  9. Darn, he is at it again. Looks good. Cees
  10. And what a beautiful subject too. Cees
  11. Looking good Gus, Regarding Revell Acryllics, I must say I have nothing but positive experiences with it. Thinning is no problem as long as you use their own brand of thinner. And it smells great tooooooooo................... Cees
  12. Indeed, They have three flyable (hispano based) 109's and a static. Although wrecks of wartime 109's are being reconstructed at the moment. The next few years will see possibly a rapid increase in Numbers. Cees
  13. Looking great Tom, Will you keep the surfacedetail, or sand everything off (wings obviously yes). Cees
  14. Well, had to give it a topic header didn't I. Although interest into the Luftwaffe has always been high, the past decade has seen a huge growth in bringing back from extinction such as the Fw189 and He115 or more airframes being available for restoration. Personality I have always been fascinated by the finding, recovery and restoration of aircraft. These days it is possible to see multiple DB Powererd Messerschmitts 109 flying at airshows including a number of E's. Very recently that was just a dream, and only a selected airframes were gathering dust in national musea. Since the iron curtain fell, dozens and dozens of wrecks have been found. The effort needed to restore these airframes have also benefitted modellers as more information comes to light and the subject is better understood. Looking at this topic, what do you think about the current development? Cees
  15. Looks like a recovered Mojo to me. Scarily nice painting. Cees
  16. Same here , also nice to see the process of development and manufacturing a kit. Cees
  17. Epic build John. And what a housemove. I will only move a few miles in about three weeks or so, and that's stressful already. But Hungary!! Sorry to read you will not be at Telford. Cees
  18. Yes, the prop is on the wrong side Cees
  19. It builds up quite nice. http://www.perthmilitarymodelling.com/reviews/vehicles/bronco/cb35195d01.html Cees
  20. Saw some tropical Hurricane boxart on the www recently, but tropical versions do not rock my bootje. Cees
  21. For an unbuildable kit it seems to build rather well. Cees
  22. I thought our esteemed big boss mentioned that it was scheduled for october? These dates keep slipping by nature. Was tempted to buy the PCM Hurricane yesterday but will wait for the FLY kit. Cees
  23. :lol:Nobody can argue about that. Cees
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