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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Welcome, Nice start on a great aircraft. Cees
  2. I always loved those X-wing Starfighters. Pity the RAF didn't order them. Cees
  3. Strange choice, the 1/48 Revell Ju52 was a classic shelfqueen. Cees
  4. Nice livery Mish, good to see a French Spitfire for a change. Cees
  5. Great instrumentpanel, those brass switches should have an off- white base. Cees
  6. George, Could be, as soon as the definitive length for the moving flap has been determined. The rear section of the nacelle moves inside the nacelle itself when the flap is lowered. Cees http://static.thisdayinaviation.com/wp-content/uploads/tdia//2012/11/de-Havilland-DH.98-Mosquito-prototype-W4050-25-November-1940.jpg http://ram-home.com/ram-old/mosquito-nacelle.gif
  7. As promised, las pica's. The nacelles have been cut into sections, but the correct lenght still needs to be determined. Trial fit of the flap is satisfactory. Can you spot the difficult job ahead............? Well, The crossection of the bulkhead and the rear fairing do not match. Either Milliput to the Rescue or scratchbuilding a new fairing. We'll see. Cees
  8. Oh well, but work has resumed with some plastic butchering happening. Pics tomorrow. Cees
  9. Chaps, As the title says unfortunately Edgar has passed away. He had been diagnosed with Cancer. Edgar was a well known participator on the major fora regarding all things Spitfire. He was always quick to answer a question backed up with drawings or other proof. He went to great lenghts to search for information. The modelling community has lost an invaluable member. Rest in peace Edgar. Cees
  10. Well I work in insurance, bunch of criminals.........LOL Cees
  11. Very nice and clean workmanship. Cees
  12. Very nice, as ever. Cees
  13. Thanks Ian, Or a completely new kit perhaps? Exit stage left. Cees
  14. About 60% was damaged, oh well, we'll see what those kind insurance people will decide Modelling motivation has gone down the drain for the time being. Cees
  15. Oh well, I have recently moved house and last week a new heater was installed, they didn't mention that it came with water seeping underneath the laminated Floor. So had to rip the 3 week old Floor out Again. Souldestroying and bad for modelling motivation but it will improve hopefully soon. Looks like we are now camping in our own home. Cees
  16. Amen brother. Cees
  17. Clock is ticking, tick tock....... Cees
  18. I saw the wing sprues at Telford, looked nice, bit like the Revell kit but hey the Hurricane had mushroom rivets all over the place on the wings. Very interested in the fuselage sprues, how would they have rendered the fabric skinning. The starved cow way or the subtle way. Very much hoping for the latter. Cees
  19. That is the RAF Museum Cosford location. Cees
  20. I am, and liking it. Fitting right in here. Cees
  21. Let's see then, The flaps on the prototype are a single unit. Due to buffeting the nacelles were later lengthened creating split flaps. Here I have to make a single unit again. I left the sprue bit in the middle for strenght. Bridging the gap with plastic card is plan A. Hope it works as I do not want to scratchbuild new ones, but if plan A fails, oh wel. I also want to correct the radiator opening a bit. Tried bending but the plastic is too thick, so the razorsaw to the Rescue Again. Later I will fit more shallower leading edges from plastic card. The fuselage fairing needs to be modified too. The strips on the topwing are marked for removable, this was a postwar modification, so some heavy sanding is needed. This is fun. Cees
  22. Thanks George, Those are the original colours it flew with until the end of the war before they overpainted it with Ford yellow automotive paint in....1972. Cees
  23. Fran, It was good cuddling you again, good to see the B25 made it home in one piece as well. Cees
  24. And posted it in the wrong forum, can you please move it in the in progres forum? Blond moment. Cees
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