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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Fantastic work but difficult. Similar to painting the hall through the letterbox from the outside. Cees
  2. Another one scratched from the bucketlist. Nicely done Ralph. Neeeeeext! Cees
  3. We flew one too?? Well blow me down! Tempting, very tempting...... Excellent research Jeroen. Learning all the time. Cheers Cees
  4. Ooops he did it again. And very well too. Cees
  5. Peter, Looks like your painting skills are rapidly matching your building skills. Fascinating to see you going all the way to detailing The nosegearbay. Then again it must be a huge satisfaction to see it evolve. Modelling porn if you ask me. Cheers Cees
  6. Excellent progress Ralph. Pity the kit propblades are twice as wide as they should be. Cees
  7. Douze pointes for Terry. I like that list. I chip in with a wishful Hampden. Cees
  8. Nice builds. How did you achieve that muddy look on the mini? Cees
  9. Peter, Your scratchbuilding is faultless and a joy to watch. Can't you just forget about painting it. Would be nice to show all the bits as made and from the different materials too. Cheers Cees
  10. You're a good student Ralph LOL
  11. Well, the good news fort this thread in the new year is that progress has been made. using the kit prop blades and Jerry Rutman resin prop hubs I managed to cobble together two accurate looking props. The bad news is that I still cannot post pics using photobucket on my IPad since the terrible update and correction upgrades. So no pics this time. Cees
  12. Remco, Black was commonly used on British hardware. Cees
  13. Ralph, The stripes you put on are not D-Day strips but recognition stripes to stop friendly fighters shooting at it thinking it's Focke-Wulf 190. These were painted in the factory and neatly too. The D-Day stripes that came later had the same width. Cees
  14. As is the shape of the cowlings. The first IX examples were converted by Rolls royce. It all depends on what aircraft you want to build. Early or late is not very specific. There are also different wingvariants. The whole Spitfire designation is a bit of a complex matter. But an interesting one. Cheers Cees
  15. Fancy doing a Mosquito like that (I want to...) Cees
  16. A happy and especially healthy new year. May everything stick,... apart from my fingers. Cheers Cees
  17. Well checked it and I don't have it anymore unfortunately. Perhaps the book warprizes is a good source of info. Used to have it but alas no more. I regularly sift through my books and dispose of the unwanted ones ( and being a RAF-Modeller...) The book by Eric Brown described British captured German test flights but if I remember correctly there were not a lot of pics and only a cockpit drawing in black&white. Cees
  18. Well Ralph, this will be back on the bench after the new year festivities have ended. Time to knit an end to it (Dutch phrase). Cees
  19. What a great package. Wingnuts have delivered again. Great review too Jim. Cees
  20. I have that book. Some very nice cockpit drawings but only in black and white. Cees
  21. Nice progress Ralph. How does the canopy fit? Cees
  22. Peter, What did you use to create the rivets? Nice work so far. Cheers Cees
  23. Hi Paul, Thanks for that great tip. Never tried that one before. Cheers Cees
  24. Goot to see you enjoying this old gem. The old Revell kits (and some other classic brands) are still a very good choice to build your favourtie subject. Cheers Cees
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