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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Thank goodness they didn't included the holes in the wing then they used to string it up. Cees
  2. Work is going on at a steady pace. Engines are finished now and detail painting underway. Question: Does anyone have any spare Hamilton Standard propellers lying around?I need some bosses as the Revell props are fine but the bosses look ridiculous. The plan is to replace these and put the kit blades on. Or any aftermarket 1/32 propellers available that I can hack about? Cheers Cees
  3. Ahh thanks, Good point, but not many aircraft carried these? Regarding the patches on the wings, did they inspect P7350 by any chance. it used to have repair patches.\ Cees
  4. Peter, You make it look so easy. I hope a lot of people will be inspired to do some scratchbuilding themselves. It's very rewarding. Cees
  5. Looking very very good Tom, This is easily your best project to date. Cheers Cees
  6. Yesterday I started sticking some bits together such as rudder, elevators, horizontals, ailerons and wings. I noticed that the elevator horn balances and the horizontal stabilisers are hollow. These should be solid, so some filling is in order. The leading edges of the wings have some molding irregularities on them that prevents a good joint. Some sanding is needed, just a minor observation. The ailerons have quite thick detail on the top side, this should be sanded down a bit. The spinner has some square patches on the sides ( instruction plates?). These I sanded off. I also sanded the top of the spinner to a less pointed appearance. These are my observations so far. Anyone else? Cheers Cees
  7. That looks very impressive. Cheers Cees
  8. Getting there. What's your opinion about the stencils? Cees
  9. Thanks Rick, I have seen that product over here. Will have a look. The clear coat evened out things quite a bit. So now on to detail painting (lots of doped red patches on this thing) and the weathering. Cees
  10. Good to see you back at work on this beauty Peter. Cees
  11. What a nice mess. I must say those slimmer nacelles do look the part. Cees
  12. Nope, bring your own. Cees
  13. Indeed, both the (old) kit decals and the (new) Avioaeology decals are terrible. I hope another coat of clear will get a grip on them. The good news is that a new canopy has been sourced through Peter from Airscale. He had one gathering dust. Cees
  14. Great, but I am envious of modellers like you who can produce these neat finishes. Something I am incapable of LOL. Cees
  15. Don't know, anyway I have no room for one. Today I put on the kit's stencils, but these suk too, silvering badly. Set and sol to the Rescue again. Also found new fuselage roundels which are exactly the same size and applied them On top of the ones already in place. So the translucency is much less obvious. Next coat of clear will smooth everything out hopefully. Cheers Cees
  16. Looks very nice. Cees
  17. Avioaeology decals on. Not a fan. They are quite thick yet translucent and some do not stick very well. Set and Sol are doing their work hopefully. Cees
  18. Keep at it Rick. You are doing a great job. Solving problems is very satisfying ( and a relieve at the same time) Cees
  19. Weatherforecast: Clear today, decals tomorrow. Cees
  20. Ben, You are correct, I forgot to mention the extra-bit. Although in this case I used Geschutzgrau provided by Revell Aqua. Sometime I have to be a bit creative because their colour range is not completely compatible. But as these aircraft weathered quite a bit that will not be noticable (I think). Cees
  21. Tom, that dorsal turret is spot on. Very creative too. Cees
  22. As Mr Miyagi would say: mask on, mask off! And no peeling, some slight touching up where paint Krept under the tape. With some luck the decals Will be on this week. Cees
  23. Update time. Yesterday I sprayed the Sky undersurfaces. Today the dark sea grey took it's turn. Next the fun bit, the peeling off of the making tape. Very carefully considering my earlier experiences on the white. Cheers Cees
  24. Great review Ben, Converting the ailerons into fabric is easy. Just fill the rivets and place thin strips of masking tape. Sanding the spinner to a less pointy appearance is easy as well. The aerial on top of the rudder was designed to move with the rudder and keep the aerial wire taut at the same time. Cheers Cees
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