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Everything posted by Wingco57

  1. Jeroen, Recently you said you are not a good resin builder. Could have fooled me. Looking great. Cheers Cees
  2. Jim, Only for my own collection. Cees
  3. Nearly there, The prop and canopy will be done after a Flory wash and a matt coat. The fit of the undercart is vague, as are the instructions. Will be glad When this one is finished. Cees
  4. Very nice indeed. Cees
  5. Wow, that looks amazing. HK seems to be going from strenght to strenght by the look of it. Cees
  6. Looking great, nice jetpipe too. Cees
  7. The finishline is in sight ( but not quite) . Undercarriage legs are on. The many Parts such as wheeldoors, wheels, bits and pieces are painted. A lot of weathering Is still needed. Not to mention fitting the canopy. Wheels are by Barracuda Studios, and far superior than the kit ones. Cheers Cees
  8. Thanks Edgar, True of course. Working on my Halifax and Hampden cockpit projects I noticed the Artificial Horizon had a small Screw at the side of the casing. Being curious I unscrewed it and the instrument went all over the place. I think That 's what has happened here, when the tubing was disconnected the mechanisme isn't secured. Not that you can Reach it while mounted in the BFP anyway. Peter, your attention to detail is fantastic. Cheers Cees
  9. Peter, With the artificial horizon that way it would look like the Typhoon is banking while standing On the ground. It should be horizontal. Hope this makes sense. Cheers Cees
  10. I really love the gunbay in the nose. Very realistic. Cees
  11. Hmmm mark II, very nice. After the PCM Tempest is finished, a Mk II would look nice next to it. Cees
  12. Bombbays looking great Tom. Just shows the cluttered structure very well. Cees
  13. Aeroscale is working on a instrument panel set. Cees
  14. Your detail painting is immaculate Tom. Great start, and a very nice subject. Cheers Cees
  15. Hi Ralph, Yes I do. After decalling I spray another coat to seal them in. The Cartograf decals are a bit thick but work beautifully. Only One application of Set and Sol and everything pulled down Nicely into the panellines. Only the stencils to go today. Bit of weathering, Flory washes, props, canopy ( difficult fit) Undercart and it will be finished in a week hopefully. Despite some fit problems PCM's Tempest is a great kit. Cees
  16. Another update, What a week. The Cartograf decals are on and they did beautifully. Set and Sol are doing their stuff at the moment. Tomorrow just The stencils to be done. It's alive, alive! Cees
  17. Steve, These plakmiddagen (modelling sessions) Erik mentions are great to get new inspiration for stalled projects. I had the Spit 21 with me and did some major work on it and as a bonus the renewed interest in the Tempest. With this tempo it can be finished withing a few weeks. Cees
  18. Thanks chaps, This shows how unpredictable modelling is. This kit had been on my shelf of doom since december. A bit of inspiration and the whole thing moves forward light a runaway train. Hopefully the decals can go on tomorrow. A coat of clear is on todays agenda. Cees
  19. A bit better pics this time. The part invasion stripes have been masked and painted. As I want a scruffy look I used a brush, mistakes were welcome. The anti slip areas on the wingroots were Painted as well and later sanded to create wear. The inner wing oiltanks get some Extensive wear so these were weathered a bit more than the area around them. Next is a coat of clear and then the decals. It will be a Volkel based one, I Always like a Dutch theme in my builds if possible. Only last week five bombs were found At the airfield During construction work. WW2 is still present.
  20. Impressive, soo the kit is salvageble now? Just kidding. A very nice fix. Cees
  21. Crappy pic time, something I am famous for. I want the Tempest to look well used, so started experimenting with a Sanding sponge. This gave the grey and green a scruffy look. Not very apparent in the pic though, but it looks nice. In one of The previous pics in this thread you can see that I gave it an Aluminium coat. This shines nicely through here and there at the Leading edge. It's all George' ( PH- GEO) fault as he always has good advice how to experiment. Thanks George. Also a massive underbleed on the fuselage band. that serves me from using dodgy tape. Will correct that tomorrow. Cees
  22. Give it a try ben, It's fun, a lot of work too. Cees
  23. That's some very nice photoetch. Cees
  24. Another zombie thread from late last year. Last saturday I had this kit on the bench too. The difficulty between the two kit parts (one hollow and one bulged) has been solved by heating very carefully and bending. It's ben glued now. The problem to solve next is to get the carburetter intake to lay flush with the underside of the cowling. Not easy, but will be getting there in the end. The huge gaps between the Matchbox/Revell wingroots to the PCM fairings will be bridged using sectioned PCM parts. A real Frankenstein. Will post pics later. Cees
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