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Everything posted by colt6

  1. Will follow with great interest, may I will build once the Ohka.
  2. now I come to the point to glue the fuselage together and I had so much fun to glue all the resin parts at the right position. after a first coat, I saw that I need more training in sanding!!!!! and the first colors But I think the funny part will come, when I used for the first time the Bare-Metal foil, to cover the front part. Arno
  3. I don't know wich part at this time I love at most, doesn't matter where you look at, there is so much to see. Pictured with the right light, it will look like real!!!!!!!!! Arno
  4. Hi Ralph, this is the silver stuff from a wine bottle Arno
  5. Congrats!!! just wounderfull!! I love your engine!! With all of the wiring, that makes a model come to live! Arno
  6. I love the late Luftwaffe Painting's, nearly everything is allowed and your model will be great!!
  7. Just a little painting
  8. This weekend my hobby buddy and I went to the Oldtimer meeting (cars, planes, bikes and ships) in Friedrichshafen Germany. I always enyoj the rides with him, because he have a 1957 Pontiac Chieftain. Here we are on the ferry that goes over the Bodenlake, from the Swiss to the German side A replica of the Klemm L20A from Elly Beinhorn Of course a Mustang and a Fokker DR I Replica There where also a lot of dealers for parts and all kind of stuff. Oh, think I found my new table This guy made furniture from original airplane parts! I love those Riva Boats!! and Porsche Thanks Arno
  9. I think I let it be now: I'm not really happy with the silver painting, maybe I have to thin it more? Arno
  10. No! it belongs to her. I'm just allowed to clean it!
  11. This is my work bench and my hobby's have to share them. My wife always shake her had: how can you work there? I don't know Better I didn't show her your tables!!!!!! Arno
  12. Just tried to install the releasing cables from the landing gear, now still in copper, but they will be paint in silver Arno
  13. Wow!!!!! impressive all those additional details!!!!! Arno
  14. Amazing!! A pleasure to look at! Love also all of the wiring, that makes a model come to live. Arno
  15. Slowly I think, I cam live with the painting. Maybe a little to dirty!
  16. I really love the Aires main wheel bay, but I still have trouble to handle my airbrush, to lighten some parts up and make shadows in the corner. Also the washing is something I have to learn. And make one of the larger hoses new. I know there are four clamps and I have only three, but hey, those are the last war days and we are running out of those stuff
  17. Also a warm welcome and I have the same question than Ralph has. BTW amazing model!!!!!!!! Arno
  18. Great! I love those birds from the "Papageien Staffel". And I love the words on it. Just in case, its in bavarian slang and means: Sell my dress, I drive to heaven. Really some kind of this last days humor. Arno
  19. Wonderful! I'm always afraid about biplanes. Also I love your weathering! Congrats!!!!!!!
  20. Thank you for your nice words!!!! I like the idea, that an american in Japan loves the swiss 109er Arno
  21. I just came back from my hobby room window, where I kicked out all my models No serious, Thank you for your step by step pictures, so that the normal people like us can learn. Thanks Arno
  22. Sir, I'm speechles!! thats the king class!! Here you show us REAL model building!! Thanks!! Arno
  23. Great! I love the mud and the snow!!
  24. Wonderful!! Wish I could paint like you do!!
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