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Everything posted by rieser

  1. Great finish. So many terrific schemes for the F-8/9's too.
  2. Great model and scheme. No wonder you need the KTM Motad. Maybe the 1290 next to keep the modelling juice flowing??!! Cheers, Ralph.
  3. Hello John. Lovely model by the looks of the pic. Going to be hard not to find room for one of these. Cheers, Ralph.
  4. Not one finished... but two??!! Double cracker Mike!! That grey-violet really makes the scheme pop. Love it. Cheers, Ralph.
  5. Cracker Mike. Always good to see another one done! Cheers, Ralph.
  6. Yep - HKM are going from strength to strength. Lovely stuff James. And Mal's masks aren't too shabby either. Top results all round. Cheers, Ralph.
  7. Picked up from here and dumped into last month's Spanish mag, "euro MODELISMO"...
  8. Sorry - absolutely no idea. Just remember to add the bl##dy armour plate when you build the cockpit!
  9. Solid effort! The kit takes some building - always good to see another one completed. Cheers, Ralph.
  10. Hello Darren: I've been told that there are 32nd scale A-8 plans in one of the Kagero Fw 190 titles. Don't know which one though. Cheers, Ralph.
  11. Good to see her finished Kent. Nice work replicating the wear patterns on the wing roots. Certainly not the simplest of kits to build, so I hope it takes a special place on the shelf. Cheers, Ralph.
  12. "Bottler! Peter. "Two Bottlers!" even. Just crazy. No need to paint that workmanship! Cheers, Ralph.
  13. Looks like the decals have performed beautifully. Love the way models come to life as the colour goes on. Love it. Cheers, Ralph.
  14. Hello Tim. have to be pleased with that - the patchy winter distemper reflects many wartime pics. Beaut job all round. Not heard of HAD decals before. Must look for them. Cheers, Ralph.
  15. She's done. Many thanks for watching along the way. Appreciate and enjoy the relaxed ambiance here. "Cheers!" Ralph. More here... http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/3515-132-hasegawa-ki4-ii-hei-shoki-246th-flight-regiment-item-08220/
  16. Hasegawa's 32nd scale Ki44-II. Base painting with Floquil silvers. Markings with home-made masks and Tamiya acrylics. Rivets courtesy of RB Prodn's Rivet-R tools; exhausts by Quickboost; and monofilament/superglue blobs for the aerial. Thanks again to Ron Cline for the port-side wheel bay door decal replacement. Thanks for looking. Cheers, Ralph. WIP thread... http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/3357-132-hasegawa-ki44-ii-item-08220/
  17. Couldn't work out how to weather this one so time to start putting it together... Some Vallejo acrylic earth tones applied by sponge... Thanks to Ron Cline for the replacement decal - much appreciated Ron. Ultracast's resin exhausts (item QB 32 072). Highly-thinned 1:1 mix of XF-68 NATO Brown and XF-69 NATO Black was misted around the engine area for some shadow. As I couldn't decide what to do about weathering, the landing flaps were fitted to cover up most of the inner wing detail. Thanks for looking. Cheers, Ralph.
  18. Many thanks Paul - info much appreciated. That settles it for me. Cheers, Ralph.
  19. 1904 indeed! Time I gave up on this idea!!
  20. Best I could find was the "Type 00" flew in 1904, but that the M2 might have started service in 1941. Not found any pics/info about them in action over China either. Could always plead ignorance and throw "accuracy" to the wind!
  21. "All the best for a fun one James. "Cheers!" Ralph.
  22. Wondered whether anyone knows if Tamiya's A6M2 kit would be suitable for the 1940 GB - or maybe the M2 came into service a little later? Any thoughts much appreciated. Cheers, Ralph.
  23. Hello Tim. Always nice to see a RAAF bird. Lovely work all round. Cheers, Ralph.
  24. Very kind - much appreciated. "Cheers!" Ralph.
  25. Great scheme to start with. No 1940-related kits in the stash and the international exchange rate has smashed the Aussie dollar buying power. Will have to pass on this exciting GB theme.
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