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Everything posted by coolboxx

  1. (it) can't / can be seen , Berlin airlift (I think to),Rhein-Main air base July 26 1948.
  2. Very symmetrical scribe Martin very well done.
  3. Harv , all the best take care.
  4. Not only a great build but very informative too.
  5. Hi Peter, here's the link to my build https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/5285-airfix-hawker-typhoon-mk1b-124/?tab=comments#comment-66912
  6. It builds up really nice, clean all the seams very accurate fit. Will be watching for sure. Great start.
  7. Thanks Jeff, i didn't really want to chuck money at this kit if i could help it. And to my surprise and a little creative license you can make good a lot of the inaccuracies.
  8. My 1st thought he's adding a filter..... with a broom....
  9. I too have the early/ late panther RFM, i couldn't pass it bye. My next build for sure.... also their tiger lol.
  10. Great info Gaz, also great builds.
  11. Hi all, this update has had me thinking, many little problems to resolve but nothing to serious....honest. it's the cockpit i'am working on. Trumperter have got the detail in their, but all in the wrong place lmao (how did this happen).As the pictures will show side panels and seat moved forward 4mm. Floor chopped up and put back together in the right places...Detail now being added. Throttle body, taps, pipes, pilots hatch and shelf behind seat ect. Then will clean up and paint. I'am not trying for 100% limited knowledge, but something a little bit closer.
  12. Superb detailing and build look forward to each update.
  13. Nice one John watching..
  14. Sticking along mate.
  15. This is great, i get in now........scratching parts, making things from what works... is half the fun... if your that way inclined of course... great work Martin.
  16. Top draw again, thank you fm.
  17. Oh wow!! Great work, the whole package.
  18. Love that black basing idea, can't wait to see the true affect.
  19. Looking very good x2
  20. Hi Phil, good luck with this. Are there going to be figures.
  21. Wow Gus just caught up here, love the paint job so effective. I can't help with your next bit, have you an example.
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