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Everything posted by Count0

  1. P-39 werk. Added the station formers in front of the doors. They are noticeable in photo's. One door will be open so I tried to busy it up with a bit of added detail around the instrument panel. Oxygen regulator, without hose. I doubt the Russians bothered with oxygen in these. Some wiring and tubing. A few punched discs for knobs. And some sort of box near the floor. No idea what it does. But it's silver, so it will be add some color.
  2. Kow stole them. And the Hughes 500's and booms from P-38 Lightnings. Throw in some ping-pong balls cut in half and a little Bondo and you have a WW5 (or whatever) anti-gravity fighter/bomber. He used those 500's for a lot of the "German" power suits as well. Everybody in the know claims they are not space Nazi's, but one look at the paint jobs and marking kinda kill that argument, for me anyway. And, at least early on, a lot of the "Allied" vehicles had invasion bars painted on them... That's what drew me to them. I was just learning about Japanese Anime/Sci-Fi kits, and that semi plain box with just the machine as art work was the hallmark of those kits. The best, IMO, are the early Macross kits from Imai and Arii. Beautiful painting of the mech on an otherwise plain but brightly colored box.
  3. I have all, or at least most of the modern Ma.K kits. I had almost all of the originals at some point, but I sold them off. Very special, unique kits, but just a pain in the ass to build. The modern ones are clearly better. I have a Falke about halfway along, it got packed up during various moves and just never made it back to the bench. And I now have the new 1/35 scale one as well. I saw Docrob's build of the Knight. That's really my only no on these kit's, just hate that design. And the Grosserhund. Will not buy one, ever.
  4. Not saying it is, but some of the interweb Aero engineers on that other forum were saying the nose is the wrong shape? Opinions?
  5. Is under the bench cleaner than the top? Lmao. Idk how you manage to keep track of anything, always so many parts on your bench.
  6. Understatement of the week. lol. Huge sale. They should change their name to Enabler Brothers.
  7. 1/48 Eduard P-39 Airacobra. Will be Russian. They seemed to have the most fun with these. Added stiffeners and a roof to the front landing gear bay. The bump at the back is correct, allowed clearance for the drive shaft. That later was covered with a box to hold lead shot, but I didn't take a picture of it like I thought I did. It can be (barely) seen in the tail sitter balance photo. Mock up for balance see how much weight it needed. Dihedral seemed off, side to side, so I made a Lego jig and some spars and a central box from .060 Evergreen to try and even it up. Hopefully it fixes the corresponding wing root gap on the low dihedral side. I am working on an actual, honest to god large scale model, just not ready to post it yet. Someday.
  8. My latest additions. 1/35 Borders PZ.IV L/70 Tamiya 1/48 Stuart 1/32 Horten Twins
  9. Yes. Spotmodel is the best, really. Never have I had an item arrive damaged, other than maybe a bent corner on a book.
  10. I don't either, so I understand. But I also don't live with junking expensive models, or other projects for that matter. I don't like the SoD idea. Never have. Sometimes there just has to be a plan "B". For me, anyway.
  11. It might just be gunk worked loose from your airbrush. Hotter paints/ thinners can loosen stuff that's caught if you're are not scrupulous with cleaning your airbrush. Glad to see you saved it. You also could have gone for a post race weathered car, as a save from the bin. I really love that look.
  12. https://www.themodellingnews.com/2025/02/preview-easy-company-in-normandy-study.html#more
  13. One of the food trucks that would come by work had a double cheeseburger with grilled cheese sandwiches for buns... I had to try it. Once. And only once.
  14. Pre-ordered! I love the Luft 46 stuff. Pretty much endless painting possibilities. If only it were 1/35 with lots of oil canning...
  15. Me. Probably going to buy all the variants. I'm not really a truck fan but I love this thing.
  16. It's pretty apparent in the under wing shot posted above. It's what my dad would refer to as a "walnut" when he was commenting on cars that were beat up, or improperly prepped for paint.
  17. I think it's ok. It's there in this photo, but harder to see due to lighting and dust. The clean wing in perfect light exaggerates the effect.I think under a coat of paint it should look quite nice. I am a fan of realistic depiction of all the warts and wrinkles. I don't like the "perfect world" approach of smooth and shiny unless it's an accurate depiction. Which I have never seen in a WW2 aircraft. They all have lumps and bumps. The raised rivets are an issue. Hopefully that gets addressed. I'm not a 111 expert by any means but it looks wrong.
  18. It all looks really good, except for that wing. And it still looks to me like it's only one half of the wing. Weird.
  19. Yeah, pre order. All the kids are doing it these days...
  20. First I am seeing this, but it only appears in this photo as the near camera side is stepped, not the away side. Also there's a raised strip at the upper wing tip joint that's not on the opposite wing? Weird. Maybe it's a manufacturing flaw? I do hope they fix that before it comes out. I don't want to taking a sanding stick to my brand new 100 dollar airplane kit. Easy or not.
  21. I don't know specifically. It's all about finding reference for the specific Airframe you are modeling. It's possibly Extra Dark Sea Grey. That's from Osprey, so Idk, take that with a grain of salt. Also these were field painted, in combat conditions, so Idk if anybody really knows for sure what colors were used. It seems some were painted aboard us carriers that ferried them in to Malta. So some could be partially (completely? ) US Navy Blue, like a Wildcat, Whatever that color is called.
  22. Malta Spitfires varied dramatically. I don't know this one specifically but it fit's in the range of paint schemes I have seen reference for. I'm more surprised by the lack of tropical oil cooler than the colors, honestly.
  23. I have not used Gundam Markers in years. I didn't like them at the time, but they were very early versions. What I do like are the AK weathering pencils. But, again, not always useful in every situation. And they are oddly inconsistent. Some work really well, other's don't. I have no idea why. I am also experimenting with enamels for washes. Not sure they are better than oils, but in certain circumstances they seem to be. Another tool in the tool box. Keep your options open.
  24. Shipping box. Make sure it survived the trip. 👍
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