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Everything posted by JaseGill

  1. Thanks Ted. Will go look for that J.
  2. I think it will work great on black Aaron. I have an X-15 that will probably be black and to get some subtle difference in all black is really difficult so I think salt could be perfect if its done in a subtle way. I guess the 88 is next? J.
  3. A first thats great. A blinding build, and so is the colour J.
  4. Stunning finish Aaron. Looking great. The mix of metal and wood just works for me. So nice. Will use this as inspiration for when I do mine I hope I can get within a mile of it. J.
  5. WOW. Love ditched dioramas and this looks like it'll be a classic. Will be really interested to see the water effect as its something I really want to try sometime.
  6. Next results of the weathering layer. It looks a bit too stark here but thats planned. Next is a dirty dark layer of oil/dark mud oils to darken it so its expected to be over light at this stage and not particularly subtle. Some of the salt stays on the paint layer so it looks even lighter too. It'll mostly fade out under a later of dirt and the flat coat. Tomorrow (I hope) is the dark/dirt layer after which its time for the underside Will have more as soon as possible, really motivated to finish this one now. J.
  7. So, weathering has started. Doing something new on this in that Im trying to fade the paintwork using the Salt Technique. For anyone that hasnt seen it you do the following: Spray Water on the Model in the areas to be weathered, Crack salt over it, not the ground salt but the stuff thats in a twist salt thing (I got a few of these, with salt for £1 from the Pound Shop), Wait for the salt to dry and crystalise (I felt quite short of time so I used a heat gun to speed it up - waving a hot gun at a kit made of plastic is kind pf scary though), Spray the weathering layer. For this I used about a 99% thinner to grey and whit paint as a fade layer. So here are pics of the salting first... The results to follow:
  8. Thanks guys. I wanted to get a few pictures as I went but as usual the desire to get doing took over from photographing. It was masked by White Tack worms and then filled the gaps with plenty Tamiya tape. It lifted some paint and needed some touch up. Will take a few more pictures as I weather it and as I get on with it. Still working out how Im going to get it to look dirty Greek enough though. Too clean at the moment J.
  9. An update at last. Paint is on, decals are on and its clear coated. Now for the fun bit, weathering. I had some issues with the decals which were a bit flimsy and some paint lifting with tape when masked, it seems to happen with me now and then with Vallejo. The clear coat is from Alclad and its amazing, hard wearing, goes down really easy and a couple light coats leaves it bulletproof. The only AM is metal undercarriage (love it and its a heavy kit too so needs it). Hope to get weathering during the evenings after work this week, though a big busy week at Heathrow Tower coming up which may get in the way a bit... J.
  10. Been a bit lax on this all... Just got the wingtip tank Stripes on and the underside colour. Once camouflage is on I will post more... Been ultra busy at work and over Christmas & New Year. J.
  11. WOW. The box is huge, and its packed full of plastic. I know some have issues with the fact its expensive and only one decal choice but its the one I'd have chosen anyway and the whole thing is less than the W.29 goes for on its own on Flea Bay I'd say its well worth it and even with £46.22 to Parcel Farce for Import Duty its still almost £80.00 cheaper than Hannants if you order it personally. Well recommended, cant wait to build it and almost tempted to drop everything, it'll be epic and a long build process. Just reading the instructions now. Rigging scares the crap out of me though J.
  12. Aaron, Looks great. Remember chatting about doing this at SMW. Youre way ahead of me on it though. Looking great and some great inspiration for when I finally get round to it J.
  13. Just Arrived
  14. Thats a beauty... Love it
  15. Thanks for the pics Jim. Does anyone know if the night fighter with the centreline gun pack ever flew and if so did it have the RATO's too? I know they had all sorts of flameout issues with the engines so probably did carry the RATO but wanted to make sure before I commit
  16. Gorgeous build. Love the natural metal finish. Im so tempted by some Japanese aircraft now
  17. I ordered on 20th November so its been just over 3 weeks I guess. Cant wait to start. Should get some done during Christmas/New Year break I hope J.
  18. JUst arrived. Beautifully boxed and moulded. The amount of resin really surprised me too. Cant wait to get into this If I can do it any justice its going to be great. Just love the centreline gun pack too J.
  19. Just got my confirmation that mines in packing Looks great so can't wait now. J.
  20. Looks great to me. Had it an age but only just got the resin and extras for it. Looking forward to seeing yours. J.
  21. Aaron, Looks great now its finished. Looked marvellous on the stand but now its complete... WOW! J
  22. Just had a few new arrivals. The MIG-3 from Trumpeter I have had for ages but just got the Aires Cockpit, Quickboost Exhausts and some Uschi wood for an idea I have for it. Also just arrived is the new Academy/Ex MRC MH-60S. Had a look and its a lot like the Army version apart from the obvious naval changes. Noe to find time to actually do some modelling... J.
  23. Thanks Tom. Running out of space for the next batch of builds though. J.
  24. A beat up Zero always looks good J.
  25. Looks great. I have this and hope I even get within a mile of your finish. Looks great. J.
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