So my middle son and I started this the other week, only doing a about 1 hours work prior to him going to bed each night.. Total time spent on it was maybe 6-8 hours at the most. I did all the cutting, cleaning up and painting, he did all the fitting of the parts.. Its a really quick build and cheap too. I sure that I could of knocked it off in less time if it was only me building it. You really don't need to glue anything in place, but I found that some of the snap fits were to tight and cause hair line cracks on some of the parts. Then adding a enamel wash caused the parts to fall apart.. So if I was to build another one... I would most likely glue everything and see if that would stop it from braking. So here is the run down on the build... Chewy and the base of the body.. I wish I added something to scale it next to! First leg done and fitted to the base - Cockpit painted.. I used IJN Grey for the interior and Vallejo paints for the switches etc. I used the AK Interactive Grey Wash for Kriegsmarine ships