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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Yes it was... Kit number #3001 - http://www.eduard.com/store/Eduard/Plastic-kits/Bf-109E-1-1-32-1.html
  2. Nope I don't Erik.. Just the kit.
  3. So looking for something over the weekend in my stash, I came across this hidden in one of my large kit boxes, and I totally forgot I had it.. Pulled it out and then next then I knew.. it was built up. For those that haven't seen the kit. Its has about 50 odd parts hence it building up so fast.. I got most of it painted in the little about of spare time I had this weekend.I will need to take some more pics of it tonight once the paint all dry... But here is the main construction of of the kit built up.
  4. Looks great Ralph, Only think I just noticed... Have you painted the control surfaces silver?
  5. Thats coming along really nicely! What did you use for the white wash?
  6. I am hating the look of those rubber tracks that are supplied in Tamiya's Nashorn kit that I just picked up.. So knowing nothing about Armour. What are my options in AM in Tracks? Any help will be awesome!
  7. Whooa! Thats awesome I love the paint job... Any chance of a few pic further back to get the whole airframe in the shot?
  8. So I enjoyed building the Male Mk.IV... Thought I would give another Tamiya Armour a kit ago... So picked Tamiya New Tooled Nashorn up from the Local Store...
  9. that's one of the Figures from the Wings Cockpit Figures - http://wingscockpitfigures.com/
  10. thats a fantastic start!
  11. The ones that I have seen built up look pretty good.
  12. With the WNW kits you really don't need any folding tools or rigging jigs.. You will have all the tools you need already. Only thing you need is some Drill bits that are under 1mm and some good fine point tweezers
  13. I am guessing that you are wanting a WW1 subject? I would say one of the WIngnut Wings Endecker series... Builds up quickly and very easy to rig for a first WW1 Kit as its an mono-wing. There are a couple of builds here on LSM to help you!
  14. I have seen some Decals sheets somewhere for the Hunter... Think it was Hannants maybe?
  15. Looking good Rick! Do you want this moved over the LSM WIP Area?
  16. Wow! thats a piece of art there! Looks way better than what Eduard does... Time for them to up their game!
  17. I think Tamiya decals are misunderstood... I used say they were shitty too... But I actually found out the best way to apply them.. And that's by apply some heat to them with a hair dryer and rolling a cotton bud over the top to push out the air & water. The Kill Flags and the stencils are Tamiya Decals and I had no silvering or air bubbles at all.. Same with this Mk.VII Spitfire
  18. Yes some pix would be great!
  19. I have heard they have/are bring out some one piece tracks that are like the Tamiya ones.
  20. Cheers Paul! Would you believe me if I told you that was really my first Armour build?
  21. Have you got your truck ready Paul?
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