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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Nice score Paul! Be very interested to see how that goes together after building the Tamiya kit.. I hear that Tracks are pain in the ass... 5-6 pieces per track?
  2. Fantastic Ted!
  3. I am putting the pressure on Mikey too! Would be awesome to have the whole LSM Team in one place!
  4. I really should pick this one up! No stickers in it???
  5. Cheers Guys!
  6. Tell me about it Martin! 9 months from today I will be arriving! Really looking forward to this!
  7. Yeap Matt, thats the place to get them... Think mine was around $70ish from memory!
  8. Come on Rick!!! DO IT!!!
  9. It better be!!!! You guys making me fly all the way over from New Zealand... I expect the royal treatment!
  10. I know it's a while off but who's going???? I AM!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I have seen the odd post on other forums that he still answers the odd email. But I would say that hes closed down for sure... I would have a chat to Mal @ Miracle Paint Masks.... he posts here too - http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/user/674-miracle-paint-masks/
  12. Just finished this up this morning... Added a little bit more weathering to the hull and the added the unditching beam. If anyone is planning to build this in the future... DO NOT cut the chain to the length that Tamiya has stated in their manual.. you will find it to short! Finished pics are here - http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/3382-135-tamiya-mkiv-male-tank/
  13. Just finished this up this morning, after lack of Mojo for 9 months... Used AK Interactive WW1 British Tank Colours, Washes and pigments. Really fun build!
  14. You almost crop that and print it yourself.... Then your only problem would be the late style Bugeye nose turret.. The kit doesn't have one of those...
  15. Rigging this will be a piece of cake!
  16. Whooh Nice work! I didn't expect be done already!
  17. Cheers Steve! Clears a few things up. Looks like I will be doing Green 9...
  18. It's some type of acrylic gel... so I have no idea!
  19. Yea it's quite large! It will take a whole shelf in the cabinet by itself!
  20. I have seen the artwork of that. Its nicely done. I seen that thread too that you mention over on HS. Interesting that he states White 1... If you haven't seen it here is the Combat Report from 486 Sqn if you haven't seen it Haven't started riveting yet.... maybe this weekend?
  21. I thought Reschke machine that was coded 1 was green or yellow? Not white... Thats if we are talking about the same scheme? The 1 looks to be light for green... but could be yellow if you look at the defence band on the fuse... I was thinking of doing this one as well as it has an connection to New Zealand ... as this is the machine that he shot down a Kiwi Pilot from 486 Squadron...
  22. Made a start on the 152.. Please excuse the poor phone pixs! The cockpit has been built up and sprayed with Mr Color RLM 66. I have left out the parts that won't been seen. This will quicken the build with out worrying about details that won't be seen etc. Lower wings panels glued to the spars and tail has been made up. The rivets in the wheel bay are pretty soft in detail, I will be sanding these off and adding some of the HGW rivet lines to replace them.
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