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Everything posted by recon

  1. No big deal for me. I have enough kits to last another 50 years! Every plane I would want to build is out except for one a Helldiver in plastic, not resin and pe. Have a good week everyone! Mike
  2. recon


    I have notified Hawaii 5-0 that your coming! Have a great time! Mike
  3. I am sure they are researching something! Mike
  4. Stay safe my friend! Mike
  5. They are on their 5th hotel! This is shaping up to be an epic convention. Mike
  6. I am working on my dauntless for Chattanooga. Hope to have some pics here shortly. Mike
  7. Alot of updates on the IPMS Nationals website, check it out. Mike
  8. I am building this kit now and I am wondering if the gunners seat needs a seatbelt! The instructions do not indicate a seatbelt. Do I put one in or leave it without one? I plan on entering this at the IPMS Nationals in Chattanooga. Thanks for your advise, Mike
  9. We are supposed to get measurable snow and rain on Wednesday and Thursday! Mike
  10. The Nationals website has been updated. Check it out, 4 months to go! Mike
  11. Talked with theTamiya rep and he will be joining us at our dinner and if possible at our meet and greet. Should be a be a really good time. Mike
  12. They are but they are trying to get more hotels. Mike
  13. Gary from GT Resin is going to be there and George from Tamiya will be there also. Radu is also coming. Mime
  14. What night do you guys want to do our dinner? My suggestion is Friday night. Mike
  15. Looks great, did you use any Eduard on this one? I am getting ready to start mine and have the Eduard interior set. Mike
  16. Our meet and greet is on the seminar schedule. Mike
  17. Here are a few pics of my F-18C.
  18. Are the seat belts from the kit or AM? Mike
  19. I am in the process of building this plane and I will hopefully be able to post pics this week. I have one question, on the IP there are 3 screens , when the aircraft is parked would the screens be green? Thanks, Mike
  20. So sorry for your loss. Have a safe flight. Mike
  21. Well I just thought I would ask to see if there was any interest, if there is I will try and arrange something if not than no table. Mike
  22. Is anyone interested in doing a Special Interest Group table for Large Scale Planes? Mike
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