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About Clunkmeister

  • Birthday 06/24/1965

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  1. We have a semi small, but amazingly generous bunch here! Wow! I will soon make a spreadsheet for who’s to what.
  2. I’ll ask Jim about a software update. He’s the resident computer whiz. I dare not touch it because I might screw the internet up so bad a couple satellites crash out of orbit.
  3. I’ll put myself in for a Zoukei Mura Fw 190A-4 kit.
  4. Gus, if someone in the USA wins, I have three Tamiko F-4B’s and can send one on your behalf.
  5. Our Christmas raffle went over well the last six years, but we are going to tweak a few things to make it more fair and to attempt to calm down those who only come here to snipe some prizes at Christmas. So, I’ve made a few changes to the rules and once again, will attempt to keep it simple. So here is rundown of rules so everyone is refreshed and aware. 1. Anyone who wants to enter to win may do so, IF, they are an Active Member of LSM as of right now. Dec 08, 2024. 2. Active Member is defined as anyone who has contributed to LSM by posting 10 posts to LSM within the last calender year. I thought again of making it a WIP requirement, but decided again to nix that idea. The whole idea here is to promote a feeling of Christmas Spirit, get people posting more, and hopefully bring a better ending to 2024 So let’s make this fun! This in obviously not directed at those who have recently come here from LSP, Hyperscale, or wherever, if you’re new, you’re welcome to enter 3. Enrolling: Entering the raffle is easy. Just post "I'm in" and I'll mark you down. I’m going to change one rule: To be eligible for the gift raffle, you need to contribute. If you DON’T contribute to the raffle with a gift, your name will NOT be included in the regular gift drawings, but you WILL still be eligible for the Grand Prize. 4. Gifts: I’m not going to make this mandatory, but I will recommend a contribution of a new kit with a value over $30.00 USD, and under, say, $120.00. That gives a huge range of ideas. From Hasegawa to Revell, to Tamiya. If you give a kit from stash, that’s cool, but let’s make sure it’s not a busted up old stash Queen from 1967 with a smashed box and yellowed decals. The whole idea here is to have everyone get something nice. The LSM Grand Prize will be one brand new 1/32 new HKM A-20 kit. Yes, it’s more than 120, but I make the roolz and this will be THE one and only Grand Prize 5. Impropriety: To avoid any sense of impropriety, I am going to ask that all people who feel led to contribute gifts to please verify your gifts as listed correctly. If I list it wrong, please let me know so I can correct it in time. Anything LSM related is good in my book. Aircraft, AFVs, SciFi, Ships, are all OK. It makes my job easier when it comes to keeping track of who gave and won what. 6. More Impropriety: As the organizer and overseer of this operation, once again, I will again give, but will NOT be eligible for any gift drawings. 7. Winning is great. Giving is an awesome thing. 8. But remember, if you offer a gift, you're responsible for getting it to the winner. 8a. If shipping is outrageous, giver can substitute a gift card of similar value to the winner so he can source it locally. In the EU, for sample, Duties, Taxes, Brokerage, and VAT for items shipped from the US are astronomical for someone on a tight income in the EU. So consider for, say, a Brit, sourcing a gift card from Hannants. In the EU? One of the big German, Czech, or Polish model houses might be a good choice . If that isn’t an option, contact me and I’ll arrange to help with shipping and VAT charges as I can. 9. Gift givers and winners are to contact each other in a timely manner and winner must provide shipping information so the giver can get the package in the mail. 10. This is a fun Christmas Raffle, guys. If you pledge a gift, please make every effort to get it out in a timely fashion. 11. I will attempt to update the prize list and the names of those who entered the raffle on a daily basis. If there's more entrants than gifts, not everyone will receive a gift. If there's more gifts than entrants, then some will get more than one. 12. Drawing: Christmas Day in the USA, because that's where I live, and I work the day before, so the Aussies and the Kiwis gotta wait an extra day. Sorry guys! Grand Prize this year will consist of an HK A-20 kit, an absolutely unique and is the best kit the company has ever released This will be the one and only Grand Prize awarded. Grand Prize will be drawn from all names submitted, after the regular draw has been completed. The Viggen is offered as a simple THANK YOU for helping make LSM one of the buildingest? and by far one of the most welcoming and friendly Modeling Sites on the Internet. Pretty normal stuff, eh? I think this oughta be a fun thing and I really hope everyone has a good time with this! Ernie PS: if you won a prize last year and have not received it, please PM me on LSM and I will look into it. ALSO: One cheaper way of sending a gift is to purchase the gift once you know who won, at a model shop, distributor, or supplier, INSIDE the economic zone of the winner. This almost always turns out better for the giver, and is always MUCH better for the receiver. (No customs and duty). Thoughts
  6. I’ll be setting up a Christmas raffle most likely later today. Last year, people were constrained by shipping costs, so I’ll most likely open it up to gift cards in lieu of big boxes if it involve sending out of your Country of residence. I simply want it to be fun, and fun gets lost when shipping gets to be twice the value of the prize itself. I can recommend “Pirate Ship” shipping. It saves a TON on shipping.
  7. Shhhh, Border might be listening. Every time they bring something I love out in 1970s drunk Tamiya designer scale, I want to stick my head in a blender.
  8. I know, but Airfix says they’ll never do 1/32 as the market is loaded with kitmakers in that scale. They pretty much have 1/24 to themselves these days
  9. I’m thinking if ONLY Airfix would do that Lysander in 1/24…..
  10. Please remember that I am a simple, if somewhat learning disabled, slow learning Yank buffoon. I see nothing past my County Line, I think that if someone doesn’t speak American English, (can you even call it English?) I only need to speak louder and they will magically understand. I lose patience with Nations that don’t have my neighborhood pub in exactly the same place as I’m useful, I get mad because people drive on the wrong side of the road, and I absolutely 100% believe that every person in the entire world should understand my need to carry an arsenal with me everywhere I go.
  11. Nobody minds the languages guys, but being that it’s a public forum, people from all over the world like to read this stuff and not everyone understands French as many of us do. 😂 My point being that English seems to be the default language. but then again, I’m an uneducated Yank who actually moved here from Canada, so in the eyes of many, that makes me doubly uneducated for what some would consider “poor life choices”
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