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Everything posted by k5ikl

  1. Bitch, moan, groan and bellyache about a kit but it still looks like a P-51B to me. Don't be so damn picky. Jerry
  2. Amazing!! Outstanding builds Rod. Jerry
  3. WOW!!!! Outstanding build John. Jerry
  4. Here is my version of the Trumpeter kit. Went together very well with very little to no problems. I still have the-4, later version which was retooled, to do. Cheers, Jerry
  5. Yes, by all means do it. I got shoved out the door just prior to my 60th birthday (21 years ago) and I never looked back. With your wife still working and maybe a possible part time job a few days a week, I would be all over it. Believe me, you will be so glad you did. Good luck Scott. Cheers, Jerry
  6. Thats a fun build. Mine from a few years ago. Jerry
  7. Need an administrator to delete those jemmyande07 posts in LSM Work In Process. Jerry
  8. SH, I am assuming you mean Scale Hobbyist. Love that place along with SB. Jerry
  9. Finally finished one after a brief absence. Painful arthritis in my left hip and lower back has slowed my building way down. Anywhooo, here you go. Hasegawa 1/32 F6F-3/5 done as a Royal Navy F6F-3 Hellcat Mk. I Used Techmod decals, Eduard seatbelts and IP, seat and stick from the Verlindin cockpit set. Now if I can just get the Revell 1/32 F-14A Tomcat finished. Cheers, Jerry
  10. Done. Email sent. See what comes of that. I knew they were just a two man operation and had real jobs but I haven't seen anything from them in a few years so thought maybe they had shut down their business. Thanks Vandy, Jerry
  11. Thanks Scott. Going to the Nats won't be happening so guess I'll forget what I was looking for. Wanted to get a couple of sets of their 1/32 F-4G Conversions for the Revell F-4E/F which has the corrected nose. Oh well, que sera sera!! Jerry
  12. Are they still in business? Website comes up but everything seems to be "sold out". Cheers, Jerry
  13. Thanks Alan. I was thinking of those too. Have heard pluses and minus about them airbrushing. May have to give them a try. Jerry.
  14. What is a good substitute to replace MM Metalizer Burnt Metal? I can find lots of burnt iron. AK Xtreme Metals has a burnt metal thru Hobbyworld USA but 90% of their stuff is backordered. The downside of AK is $11.25 per bottle plus $8.75 shipping. $20.00 a bottle, I think not. Alcald has some different shades of burnt metal but not the grey shade like MM. I love the MM Metalizers as they were suitable for airbrushing as well as brushing small parts. Cheers, Jerry
  15. I love Phantoms but that is to expensive for my wallet for a 1/48th kit. Jerry
  16. Like Harv and Jeff I am sitting here thinking that is a real engine (knowing it is not). Fabulous outstanding work sir. I am truly impressed. Jerry
  17. Outstanding build John. Looks great. Jerry
  18. Oh hell, yes!!!!!
  19. Same here as in Manitoba Carl. This past Sat. we had heavy rain and tornados in the area. Anyone's guess what it will do tomorrow? Jerry
  20. 73 degrees yesterday and got up to this this morning. Yuck, yuck, yucky. Jerry
  21. Outstanding build Gus. Jerry
  22. Yep. Exactly what it is.
  23. Forgot this one that I finished between the P-47N and F-86F. Trumpeter P-51B.
  24. I have been using Alclad (beginning with Alclad 1) for years and love it. Haven't tried AK Xtreme as of yet as most colors I want from Hobbyworld USA are either backordered or out of stock. $11.00 a bottle is a bit of a turn off. While on the subject, what is a good replacement for MM Metalizer burnt metal? Having trouble trying to find something to substitute for the MM Metalizer. Couple of my most recent finishes using Alclad 2. Cheers, Jerry
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