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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by smitty44

  1. I'll drift this another way. Where in the h-e-double hockey sticks is my injection moulded B-26!!! Flak Bait!!
  2. I seem to have lost a friend to the inner workings of that place, bums me out.
  3. Brookhurst Hobbies in Garden Grove, that's where I was born. Well Anaheim, not the hobby store. They have a ton of stuff, but a little pricey. I stop in and buy something once a year to support them.
  4. What a blessing! Congratulations! Having a great grandfather is so hard for me to imagine as I never even got to meet either of my grandfathers. So awesome!!
  5. Looks like a mini F-18 crossed with a BAE Hawk. I like it, and hopefully will see one at an airshow next season. It's being produced to fill the gap in trainers needed for training pilots to fly 5th gen fighters. Primarily everyone's fave the F-35.
  6. I'll be cooking up a storm! Happy Thanksgiving, be blessed!
  7. Indeed, congratulations. What a blessing!
  8. I spend enough time watching myself model. And here I thought it would be because we promote everything plastic which is a very evil thing where I live. They will come for our kits one day.
  9. Maybe a couple months at the academy has given you a better eye for sagging things.
  10. No, the California Capital show is mostly local stuff, hence Superhornets and F-35s from Lemoore, and F-15s from California ANG
  11. This would be a great time for all you armor and prop heavy builders to get rid of those nasty filthy jets you have in your stash......
  12. I'm down... or wait...in. $100 dollar gift card at the hobby shop of your liking.
  13. Introducing...The Wraith
  14. Nein!! Phinish that Phantom!!
  15. Other than the two recent popular kits, the P-38 and F-14, I have zero knowledge of any of Tamiya's 1/48th scale kits...and I am proud to say that.
  16. Well HPH is doing a B-52 forward section now.
  17. Pretty sure he does R&D and designs kits for ZM now, could be wrong, but I dont think so.
  18. Any word on when the O/100 is gonna drop? I know it says late 2019/early 2020, but if it drops early enough Santa might stop by and grab one for me. It looks mighty close.
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