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Everything posted by smitty44

  1. That is gonna be epic!!
  2. Thats not what the Milenium Falcon looks like. .this is what the Milenium Falcon looks like!
  3. They announce the winners at the banquet. After that is over they open the contest room for everyone to go check out the winners, and box their stuff up for the trip home. Very last minute.
  4. Well Omaha will do a great show, that we know. However after Tennessee and Texas one out this way would be nice. You know we would all have a blast in Vegas, and Nellis is right by for some prime plane spotting.
  5. ZM paint brushes are my favorite. Really love their sprue cutter as well.
  6. Good as gold....
  7. Omgoodness! Is this the unbuildable KH kit?
  8. Can you connect three for multi engine bombers and 32nd scale SU 27 and Tomcats?
  9. Sheesh, everyone just blew past my post.
  10. I have to paint in the garage which used to put a stop to my modeling in the summer because I used acrylics. Now that I switched to MRP I can keep on truckin...if I am ever home.
  11. You got that kit that far you must regroup and knock it out!
  12. Brit Phantom pic pops up first...…. just sayin' https://www.hk-models.com/hkm/
  13. New kit to be released at Nats this year, all new tool! Any guesses?
  14. I thought they were working together? Fly and HPH
  15. Harv, Ernie has something that will make you feel much better. Might bring the double vision back for a few......oh and tingling, but tingling all over. See Dr Ernie in Chattanooga!
  16. I knew you would go find that picture when I posted that.
  17. When I finish this A-4C I will again try to do a WIP. I have a ton ready to go, A.M laden. VF-101 F-14D, Snoopy Airways Tornado, Grey Ghosts F-4N? Hmmm
  18. Cockpits are, by far, my favorite part of modeling besides taking the shrink wrap off a new kit. A couple things. Instead of painting console details why don't you grab a silver and a gray pencil, lightly run them over the switches etc., and voila! PE seatbelts are the scourge of all that is enjoyable about cockpit detailing, Quickboost generally has a seat with molded on belts to match. Downside to nice Eduard IP's is they are almost always the wrong color.
  19. Yes, bring it! Just got one myself.
  20. My Little Martin? I loved that TV show! Happy Birthday, comrade!
  21. Herr Clunk is trying to play it like he was joking with us about the Apoxie Sculpt ,,,,,,, NOT!!!
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