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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. Firstly, I completely agree with your Mother-in-Law... I would immediately find another Medical Practicioner. You presented with the combination of relatively low blood pressure with elevated heart rate, upper chest pain, shortness of breath, and elevated temperature and stress levels after being made to wait in a hot car for hours. Rather than Covid-19, you would think they would be more concerned about the risk of stroke or heart attack. A thorough examination by a Doctor should have eliminated those concerns, but that's not a Nurse's call to make. The trouble with this thing is that it mimics the symptoms of non-related health issues. Despite our current advanced state of Medical and Scientific knowledge, human nature still tends to overwhelm common sense. Every small symptom suddenly indicates 'Covid-19', much as snow in April is invariably due to 'Climate Change.' You've certainly had a stressful week Cat. Hopefully you come up clear of the Virus, your shoulder heals, and you can continue to take pride in your Daughter's achievements despite the small disappointments that arose at the finish. S
  2. Mack still make 5 conventional Trucks here, the Superliner's go mostly to private operators doing long hauls with B-double or A/B combo trailers. Same drivetrain goes into the Titan (the one in Iain's phot above) that specialise in the triple and quad trailer Outback Road trains. Tridents also do long hauls, but go mainly to the major haulage companies. Under this is the Metroliner and the Granite, usually only seen with day cabs and for pulling Dog trailers and cement mixer work. Lights tend to be round, but within an aero type housing. Every little bit helps to save fuel. New Metroliner front end... And for Danny... The same Metroliner day cab, notice how bare the basic chassis is, without the fifth wheel or a body on the back. This will probably become a Tipper, possibly in combination with a steerable Dog trailer. S
  3. I hate having to move house... But these guys can really 'move house'! S
  4. Today I took my Dog to the Vet for her yearly shots. I was allowed to go into the Surgery with her as I was the only non-staff member present. Last month when it was my Wife's Dog's turn, they made us wait at the car as there was another person with their Dog already inside. They take social distancing seriously there. Conversely, ten thousand or more people crammed into the streets of Brisbane yesterday, for a BLM protest. Ironically, many of them were Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who Health Authorities have warned all along are much more at risk of the Covid-19 Virus. You might say none of them took social distancing seriously. Not a commentary on the BLM movement, but merely one on human nature. Sometimes people are their own worst enemy. S
  5. I picked up a few of the Hasegawa kits locally when they were $35 each a few years ago. They are great basic kits; not to Tamiya's standards but an ideal base for super-detailing.
  6. Of course it is Carl... I have large scale Fw190's numbering in the high teens in the stash released since the Hasegawa Dora in 2003, and I'm yet to finish one of them. S
  7. Yes! Of course the time is now. I'll get on with my Sturmbock as well if you do.
  8. All through private email Ernie? He never seems to have anything on eBay anymore. S
  9. I remember that advert... Brings new meaning to "See you Jimmy!" S
  10. Welcome to the Forum Alan, Good start on the Revell kit. An Fw190 obsession isn't necessarily a bad thing, so ask away if you have any queries, plenty here will be able to assist. Steve
  11. I guess you could call it that... This from a Reddit chat with Director Luc Besson a few years ago... Also love that movie.
  12. We're extremely fortunate here in Au, that we're isolated down at the end of the Earth. For once, the tyranny of distance is working for us, and not against. We went hard early with border control; not as severely as New Zealand and the Polynesian Islands, but it still probably ended up saving thousands of lives. I look at Brazil... A large Southern Hemisphere National in summer when this started much like us, but without the benefit of being an Island Continent and the inherent security that affords. Australian cases March 26... Brazilian cases March 26... And now today, Australia... 7204 total And Brazil... Half a million and counting. It's a big deal here when they discover another new case. We truly don't know how good we have it. S
  13. False Positives, and False Narratives. OK, so now this morning it turns out that the deceased Man from Blackwater that I made mention of last week has now tested negative to Covid-19 during a later Autopsy. So either he's the first recorded case to make a full recovery from the disease after actually dying, or the initial post mortem test was a false positive. After thousands in the town were tested and isolated for no apparent reason, this has got a lot of people very, very angry. Somehow, a Nurse who was working at an Aged Care Facility in Rockhampton 200 km away became implicated in this man's positive diagnosis. The Government is alleging that she lied to Government Officials after testing positive. It has been alleged that she failed to tell Officials that she had been overseas at the end of March, that she failed to tell them she had gone to Blackwater to check out a possible job interview in April, and that she went to work while showing symptoms after being tested but before her results were confirmed. The Nursing Union is backing her, claiming the Government is making her a Scapegoat to keep the borders closed. Her workplace is a State Government run facility, the Union claims the State should have stopped her coming to work as she was never told at any point not to do so. The State Member of Parliament is calling for her to be sacked and criminally charged. Of course, there is an Election due later this year. Not as tumultuous as other parts of the world but nevertheless, watch this space. Meanwhile, the Tanzanian President claims the Country has beaten the Virus using only the power of Prayer. https://time.com/5841441/tanzania-coronavirus-defeated-prayer/ Either that, or it might be because they just stopped testing people on the 8th of May. No tests, ergo no-one tests positive. Why didn't we think of that? S
  14. K59 Production 2cm FlaK ammo set... Ammo cases, magazines and rounds for the SD.Kfz.10 build. S
  15. Back to the Wehrmacht figure I've been working on intermittently... Backside is the base Tamiya Buff colour, front has full Camo pattern and has been weathered with AK pencils. S
  16. Here's hoping that the tubes at least line up with the openings at the front, this will make things a whole lot easier. Some more tid-bits from the Schußwaffenanlage Handbuch should you wish to open things up a little... Port rear weapons bay: And the same without MG151 installed: Good luck!
  17. I'm willing... I've seen a Horse milked... But it didn't involve teats! S
  18. This takes me back Harv... Growing up, my best friend's older brother had a massive record collection. He was in a Garage Rock Band and wrote a column in the local Newspaper; and he had some of everything in there, including old Blues and even some C & W stuff. Every time I went over, there was something different on the turntable, pumping away downstairs in his insulated bedroom. This was a huge contrast to home, when I wasn't allowed to operate the HiFi, and the usual fare was a more sedate Sinatra or Perry Como played at an even more sedate volume. S
  19. I was also thinking, You may need to do the same to the underside of part 42, if this is possibly the reason the new gun barrel tubes are forcing a gap in that area of the underside weapons tray. S
  20. There's nothing like having your Fam support your hobby! S
  21. Agreed Harv... You're doing stellar work Carl, despite these fit issues. It definitely looks like the added ZM weapons tray details are overscale when compared to the appearance in the manual. But it would still be a shame to leave them out. Tough call. S
  22. Well done to both of you for doing the right thing and not trying to push through Gaz... It's always difficult with the variety of symptoms that may be associated with Covid-19. Many are Flu or Head Cold indicators as well, which I guess is an out for those who want to keep working for whatever reasons. My Wife has no sick days left until September, so that's a possible issue if for us if we have to isolate for a fortnight. We haven't downloaded the Government App, as there's no-one apart from co-workers that I would be around for more than 15 minutes... But then you have to rely on others to do the right thing. She has had the Flu shot through her Work, I have not as yet; my attitude is that if I'm practicing Social Distancing and wearing gloves and mask so as not to get Covid-19, I shouldn't be at risk of Flu either. If I get a day off somewhere along the line, I may as well though. Hopefully your time off is fruitful, and that the both of you get well and back to being productive soon. S
  23. On Monday a 30 year old man from this town died, and after the Post Mortem was found to have Covid-19. He had been off work since November last year with an unrelated Medical issue, and had not left the town since February. His Partner has Covid-19 symptoms and is now being tested. Authorities at this stage don't know how they contracted Coronavirus. Because the Virus was not discovered initially, all of the Emergency Services personnel involved in the case have now been isolated and will be quarantined for 14 days... At between possibly 6 to 9 people, this of course will put a strain on the resources of a small community of only 5000. The Man's partner has been transported 200km to the Rockhampton Base Hospital My Cousin never displayed any symptoms, and despite close contact with known cases was never tested. This is part of the problem... Authorities are not testing enough of those at possible risk, and people with symptoms are still not coming forward to be tested. The town concerned has a lot of Fly-in / Fly-out workers (FIFO) who spend the working week bunking at Mates' houses and fly or drive home to their families on the weekends or on a week on / week off basis. Under this setup, who knows how many people may have been unknowingly exposed. Our State Government is coming under significant pressure to re-open the Border, as we are still closed to anything other than essential travel from outside the State. Every Winter, thousands of people travel North from the Southern States to follow the Sun. Queensland is unique, in that there are as many people through out the State in regional areas as there are in the Capital City of Brisbane. With only 200 total beds in Rockhampton Hospital for instance, they would be woefully unprepared for a major outbreak in a surrounding town, them alone in Rocky itself as well. At this stage, the State Government is resisting calls from outside influences and Tourism bodies to reopen for mainly economic reasons, insisting that it's no good having a job if you're dead. Meanwhile, on the weekend, a Container Ship off the Australian Coast lost part of it's load overboard. So we've gone from a situation a few weeks ago where you couldn't get PPE for love nor money, to having face masks washing up on the shore. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-27/sydney-beaches-close-debris-washes-ashore-from-apl-england-ship/12291416 Can 2020 get any more bizarre?
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