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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. I would heartily suggest, that if you're already inside, it's probably too late for social distancing. Unless you're wearing Brad's HazMat suit of course. It's all becoming quite confusing now. There are lists as long as your arm on what's accepted as an essential reason to be outside, and what's not. For instance... Outdoors exercise is permitted, but recreation isn't. So you can lie on a mat alone in a park and do Yoga, but not flat on your back and sunbake. You can paddle out into the open Ocean on a Kayak, but not stop to throw in a line - unless you have a Commercial Fishing permit of course. Don't even think about taking out a Motor Vessel. You can go for a drive in the country, but not get out at any point until you're back home again. But Taxis and Ubers are still operating. You can sit and have your hair done in a Salon, and have them bring you a coffee while your colour sets; but not sit in a Cafe or Restaurant by yourself as they are takeaway only. NSW health closed Bondi beach because there were too many people congregated together, yet on the same day allowed 2,700 passengers off a Cruise Liner and into the general population, 440 or which have subsequently tested positive for the Virus. Queensland police are stopping thousands of people from driving over the New South Wales border every day; inspecting licences and leaning into cars with no gloves or face masks on. It's all becoming a little Orwellian for my liking.
  2. Tank is a 300 litre... Sump is about 70 or 80 litre from memory. Every fortnight she does a 2/5ths water change that we go get ourselves... This used to be at night as she needed there to be Copepods in the water to feed her Mandarin Dragonets, but she managed to train them onto shrimp and then pellets. I don't miss being on a pontoon at 10pm in the middle of Winter collecting sea water at high tide! She was saving for a white 600 litre tank, but that's now on the backburner due to the current financial climate. Steve
  3. Your Dog... When he hears your Wife call out "Can someone bring the Dog in for Dinner?"
  4. This post from the Facebook page of one of our Supermarket chains got deleted pretty quickly...
  5. That's embarrassing... I bet she felt a right boob.
  6. Yes I know Dale... But the way you wrote it, it seemed as if all Australian citizens are being given $1,100 per fortnight by the government. And that's not the case. A couple who are both unemployed, and share a rented house, are now eligible for $1180 per week including rent assistance. However, if my Wife loses her job ( as looks increasingly likely to happen unfortunately), we're not entitled to claim one red cent because I earn above the current income threshold for couples. But I can assure you, it's a lot less than $61,000-odd the unemployed couple are entitled to. S
  7. Yes Smitty, our curve is trending downwards... 16 deaths now, almost half of these former Cruise Ship passengers, the youngest 68 years old. The Virus is definitely behaving differently in the Southern Hemisphere, possibly because it's still warm weather here. Brasil is like us, at only .06 deaths per million of population. They have gone harder on the Social Distance rules here overnight, but not as drastic as New Zealand who went very strict early on. We shall see if they get a rebound once they come out of quarantine. S
  8. Just spoke to my Mum... My Cousin is still in quarantine; he was on an aircraft with 50 people, 16 of which have subsequently tested positive to Covid 19 (they came off a Cruise Ship and flew out of Sydney before they could be detained.) He has no symptoms, yet despite being in close proximity to known cases in an enclosed space for over an hour, the Authorities are refusing to test him. He is expected back at work next weekend once his 14 days are up. Again, no-one seems concerned about this.
  9. I should clarify... The new fortnightly $550 Covid 19 supplement, when added to the maximum $565 per fortnight unemployment benefit for Australian Citizens brings it to around $1100 per fortnight. They are not simply giving everyone a grand a week. This is mainly for people who lose their jobs or business because of this thing. There will be a $750 supplemental payment available soon to Disability and Aged Pension Australians. However it is still unclear if the threshold for a Partner's earnings is to be adjusted. They are doing this for the next 6 months, that's how long the Australian Government expects this to be ongoing. For now, at least.
  10. Yes I am Phil... I don't get much bench time, but when I do I always show my work.
  11. Japanese Slayer of Dragons I don't think we have one started here on LSM yet. But I will probably need the help of an IJAAF Meijin if there are any here? S
  12. Next release for Zoukei Mura was meant to be the Hs-129 B-3 around May for the Shizuoka show, then the third incarnation of the Ki-45. With their kits manufactured in China, who knows when any of this might occur now; including the P-51 B and the Fw-190 kits, which have been in gestation now for longer than the entire Production sequence of the actual aircraft. Edit: This of course excludes the SWS 15 and 16 Skyraider kits with weapons suite included, that are already out but for some reason not showing on the ZM website.
  13. Isn't it obvious Carl? To stop someone from Stealing Home!
  14. Paint... Just a jar of Tamiya XF-58 Olive Green, for the ZM Ki-45. To my eyes it's the closest match to Japanese #29 Ki Midori Iro interior yellow-green colour. Their instructions suggestion is a little too brown for my liking.
  15. "Hey out there, all you Cool Cats and Pretty Kitties... Love is free and so is the Breeze... So let's all sit back and relax on a trip into the sunset..." Free your minds, Don't fight the feelin', Let's join George Benson and all go Breezin'
  16. Overheard in the backwoods of Missouri... "Don't look Ethel... Harvey's out on the Lake nekkid again!" Well, it ain't called the 'Show me' State for nothin'.
  17. M151 Military Utility Tactical Truck... Ford version of the Jeep.
  18. The Elefant would be my choice, for so long all we had was that ancient Nichimo Pachyderm. That or the Mutt, which would be a simple little build to start you off Dale. S
  19. The Queensland show in August is still being considered... I'm not optimistic however. The latest appears to indicate that the Covid 19 Virus can survive on hard surfaces beyond the currently accepted 14 day quarantine period. Which means that everyone currently isolating might be doing so all for naught. What's everyone doing for Christmas?
  20. I am still working. We are quite busy at work and deliveries are going ahead with social distancing rules applying. Traffic is generally light and there are hardly any Children in the School zones despite Schools being open here, so it's actually a very enjoyable time out on the roads. My Wife's workplace can't get parts, as they've closed the Docks to Shipping. They let go 60 staff on Monday, and they've been told that may not be the end of it. Her Mum inspects Properties for a Real Estate company, and they're not allowed into people's houses at the moment so she's been stood down... Her B/F lost his job two weeks ago, so they have no income at the moment. My Daughter is a Fast Food store Manager, and was at home and due to be tested as she had flu like symptoms over the weekend. Similarly, I have a Cousin in Rockhampton who works in the Mines out west; he is in isolation as he was on a contact trace list. My 83 year old Mum is bringing his food and supplies during his quarantine. I really hope she isn't going into the house; she tells me she's not but I'm worried all the same. Australia's tally: 2136 total cases, 8 fatalities, 11 serious or critical cases as at 24/3/20 S
  21. Just look at you lot, buying up kits like there's no tomorrow... Oh.
  22. The House Beer is sudden death? Those crazy Belgians...
  23. This is shortly going to be a valuable asset... We are all going to need people who have tested positive and then recovered, to do all the things in my post above. We are not going to beat this thing in a couple of months. The only way to kill this off is to realise Herd Immunity or a Vaccine.
  24. The T-Shirts are starting already... But it's pointless if they can't get it to you. I'm a Delivery Driver; we're still working, in fact it hasn't tapered off at all. We have authority to leave goods at People's doorstep or patio without a signature, they don't want us giving over our PDA's or going inside People's houses. What happens when one of us is confirmed with the Virus is anyone's guess. The Office staff can work from home so long as they have internet, but those of us in the Warehouse or delivering are practicing Social Distancing... Then using a common computer keyboard to input our runs before we leave base. No one at work can see the inconsistency in this! Currently, when one person at a workplace is confirmed with the Virus, they can shut the whole site down for 14 days. Ergo, one person with no more than a sore throat can for instance shut down a garbage collection depot. Or a bus depot. Or an Ambulance station. Or a Transport hub that delivers groceries. Or an Army barracks for that matter. I remain more worried about the consequences of this Virus as pertains to Economics, Logistics and National Defence, than the mere symptoms of an illness. S
  25. Well... It sure beats Ping Pong for One! Nothing worse than being stuck at home and ending up with a sore wrist. S
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